Chapter 1

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Starlin's POV

I'm scared, Mrs Bottomly has called me down to the office to have a 'chat' or for other words if could be a smack. As I slowly walk down the stairs I can feel my heart starting to beat through my rib cage and my hands get super clammy. I may only be three but I live in fear. My best friend Polly says that I'm different to most three year olds in her books. She says that most of them live happy lives where they can play outside for hours and they have parents who sit and read them stories. I'm not like that and I don't ever think that I will.

The only thing that I have close to a mum is Polly, she reads me stories and tries to stick up for me when the older children make fun of me because of my name. Everyone calls me the fallen star. Then when Polly sticks up for me they call her Polly Pocket. She's the only person I have for a friend.

"Polly," I say as I walk into her room and hand her my hair brush. She quickly grabs it and brushes my light blond hair, leaving it swaying at my shoulders. I love Pollys room. She's nine so mrs Bottomly lets he have a sliding lock. It helps me feel safe when I'm in her room as I know no one can get in. She has it decorated beautifully too. She was here when mrs Bottomly wasn't I charge so she got to paint hers with butterfly's and flowers all around it. My room is just a square room with a few shelves, a bed, a wardrobe and some draws. It's painted just cream as well which doesnt give it a vary homely feel at all. It makes it seem like a prison. A prison where you do as you are told or suffer the consequences.

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