Chapter 2

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Mitzi woke up to a empty living room. She slowly lifted up her head to find that she had drooled on the couch a little. She thought to herself that she must've fallen asleep. She leaned and stood up on her feet. She looked in the reflection of her half drunken coffee to tell if her makeup was messed up, but she couldn't tell. She started out of the living room to find Wick who was not in the room with her like he had been before. She walked into the kitchen and didn't see him. Then to his office, only to find that he was not there either. *clanka*. She heard a sound coming from Outside and looked out his office window. She darted her eyes around at the trees outside but STILL didn't see him. "Must be in the back" she thought to herself. She walked to his mud room and put her shoes on. She went out the front door and started to head around the back of the house. 

Then, she saw him. He was in the backyard, dressed with a brown trench cap and trench coat. She approached him and she caught him by surprise. "Well goodmornin' sleepyhead" Wick said with a big annoying  smile. "Yeah yeah" said Mitzi with grumpiness. She then looked down fascinatingly at what Wick was doing. Wick seemed to notice this and decided to explain. "Oh, yeah, I was just putting together the old bird hunter" (That "bird hunter" that Wick was talking about,  is called a punt gun.) "It is a gun used for shooting a cluster of birds out of the sky" said Wick. "Oh!?"  mumbled Mitzi, still taken back by it. "I don't usually like shooting birds, but sometimes, if your lucky, you can get multiple good meals out of it!". "Mitzi?" Wick asked looking at her zoned out face, still angled about the firearm. "Huh?" She said, snapping back into reality. "Have I bored you to tears again my love" he said grinning. "No, Just tired, that's all". 

"Ok then, well would you like to help me?" Said Wick. "Sure, but I don't know how much that I could be of help" she stated. "Stay her" he said before running to the shed that was in the back of the yard. He clattered around before bringing out a big wooden crate. "Could you hold this Mitzi?" Wick asked. "Sure, what's in here?" Mitzi said in confusion. "Pellet cartridges?" Wick said as if it was obvious. Mitzi's heart dropped. "Will these blow up if I drop them." She said trying to contain her fear. "Yes, so don't move too much!" Mitzi's eyes widened. Wick saw this and chuckled in amusement. "That was a joke Mitzi" he said still laughing. "Your reaction was priceless!".Mitzi narrowed her eyes and looked at him, grinning a little bit but still calming down."Here put the great down here and pass me two cartridges" said Wick. Mitzi bent over and Placed the crate beside the barrel. She got down to he knees, un-preferably getting Grass stains on her dress. "Here hun" she said while passing him two cylinder pellet casings.He took the casings and placed them on top of the gun. He then picked up a lined paper of assumingely gunpowder. He poured it down the guns chamber and took a long swab and stuck it down the barrels and pushed it in multiple times. After he had put the pellets in, the gun was ready to be to be fired. 

"Hey look, convenient timing" he said. He pointed at a flock of birds that Flying in the distance. "They're perfect for eating, eh?" he said with delight. "What are they?" Mitzi said, actually being interested in Wicks knowledge for once. "They are wild turkeys, probably heading south to escape the bitter cold winter". With that, Wick took his trench coat off And put it around her because she was underdressed for the weather. He sat down with he in the half snowy grass and told her "Here they come, are you ready?". She looked at him and said "Am I gonna get my eardrums blown out?". He looked at her kindly and then quickly and comically changed his face serious and made her laugh. "Cover your ears and you'll be fine" he said with a grin. You didn't have to tell her twice. She tensed up her body and covered her ears as she watched Wick lean on the gun and handle the trigger. Then then after what seemed like an eternity.... *KAAAAAPOOWWWWCHINNGG* the gun fired which made Mitzi flinch. Wick looked up to see 2 out of 5 birds in the flying flock. "AHA!! that's three dinners right there!!". "Thank you Mitzi, go on and head inside, it's getting dark!".

 Mitzi was puzzled. "I'll go get the birds and I'll put dinner on, ok?" Said Wick. "You'll cook the turkey, right?" Said Mitzi. "We'll what else would we be eating for dinner huh?" Wick said chuckling. Mitzi lit up to the idea of fresh turkey for dinner. "You go on in, I'll be in in a tiny bit" said Wick reassuringly. "Ok, whatever you say hotsee" Mitzi said. She swayed her hips and walked into the house from the back door. Wick looked at her whole body as she went, practically drooling, but he soon snapped out of his pleasureful trance and went to collect the fowl. Mitzi Through her shoes and Wicks trench coat on the wood floor. She walked in and took a left to the door in the hall to the cellar. She walked down and felt the cold of the stone ground on her feet. She grabbed a bottle of 1901 Lena Buck red wine and headed back upstairs to the couch. 

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