The Rules Of Life

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Being a father was difficult. Add "King of Hell" to the resume; you had a lot on your place. But a father always makes time for his family. And Lucifer was doing his best. He and Lilith divided their time between raising their adorable daughter Charlie and ruling their beautifully demonic realm. By now, their bubbly ray of sunshine was about ten years old, in Human time, and already learning how to rule Hell. And as a ruler, one had to stand their ground in the face of opposition and never look weak before others. They didn't allow anyone to make them look foolish. They maintained power and control over their subjects. Lucifer summed this up by saying, "You don't take shit from other demons" to his little princess countless times. It was short and to the point. Charlie listened to him closely. She already had a strong mindset and knew what she wanted in the near future. There were big things in store for Hell. And she was going to make them happen. 

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