On the run

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A cloaked fugitive runs through a forest, running from the guards of Mewni carrying a little child.

The fugitive tries to dodge the branches but some got to their face. They kept on running until coming across a hill with a waterfall. The fugitive step back a little but heard the guards behind her, riding on the warnicorns "Look we don't want any trouble, that monstrosity is going to be coming with us so just hand it over and we will get you back home" one of the guards said but the fugitive just backs away and then looked behind them and looked back at the guards. The guards thought the fugitive would follow but they turned and jumped off the cliff shocking the guards.

The guards looked over the hill and saw nothing but the mist of the waterfall. They sighed and left but what they didn't know was that the fugitive was inside a bubble floating behind the waterfall nearly at the bottom. They waited until the time felt right. The bubble came out of the waterfall and floated down to the safe grounds and popped when it touched the ground. The fugitive looked up at the cliff seeing the guards completely gone but knows that they would search the lower grounds.

The fugitive sits on the ground, sighs and takes off her hoodie showing cracked purple diamonds on her face.

My name is Princess Moon and....and I ran away from my own home to protect my little baby cousin, Meteora.

Moon heard the baby whimpering, she uncovers the blanket a bit showing a baby with clovers on her face, a grey hair and a sharp little tooth. "sshh" Moon tries to calm Meteora down and brought out little doll of Meteora's mom. Meteora still whimpers not paying attention to the doll, so Moon shook the doll around making a jingle sound. The doll got her attention and started to giggle reaching for the doll, Moon giggled a bit and gave the doll to her.

I won't let anyone harm you Meteora....I promised to her and I will keep that promise.

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