I crossed the garden, and went back inside the house. I took the way to the kitchen. When I arrived in the room, I threw a look around. Person. They had quickly say so!
They were probably all together, so I decided to join after.
I then walked to the fridge and poured myself a glass of orange juice and sat down at the big table. A bag filled croissants and pain au chocolate was placed on it, in front of me.

"I take one? ... No, I can't!"

I took a sip of my juice, while eyeing the corner of my eye the croissants. They looked good ...
Oh, what the heck! I took one and bit into it.
Hmm. Well, what? It was not my fault, they called me! And then yesterday, Ms. Jung had assured us that we had to do like we were at home. Well, I started now!

Then I drank a sip of my orange juice, closing my eyes and thinking that I could do this afternoon. I finished my drink, and asking the glass on the table in front of me, opening my eyes. And I jumped up, emitting a faint cry, while I wore my hand to my heart suddenly accelerated.
He was there.
In front of me, smiling. I did not even hear it! No, but I was going to ...

... : I did not know I was doing that effect girls.
Shin Hye: No, but it will not Yong Hwa?! I burst out in me leaping. You did not perhaps noticed, but you're scaring me. -I quarreled-. And normally, a normal person would say "hello". That's what we said in the morning, you know ...

He smiled. Probably to annoy me even more than I already was.
I was already not a morning person ... So if, in addition, it scared me so I just barely get up! ...

Yong Hwa: Maybe, but I'm not like everyone else, he announced with a smile. I'm Jung Yong Hwa.
Shin Hye: And then? -I asked as I walked to the sink-. You might be Jung Yong Hwa,- I noticed mimicking quotes with my fingers-, but it does not mean that you're not like the others.

He did not answer. I walked to the table, took my croissant and bit into it. I realized then, that he was already installed, took a glass of fruit juice that was half empty and had almost finished his chocolate croissant.
I watched, amazed limit.
He then threw a glance at me and caught me looking at him.

Yong Hwa: What?
Shin Hye: No, no, nothing. -I replied, turning my gaze-.
Yong Hwa: Then why are you looking at me like that?

I turned my head quickly toward him.

Shin Hye: Well, okay, do not attack me!- I retorted-. I just noticed that you ate at the speed of lightning, that's all. And anyway, I do not look at you like that, I look like I want!

He looked at me with a mixture of exasperation and irritation, and turned his head to finish his breakfast.
I had the impression of having seen that look.
Ah, yes! Surely my cousin when I forbade to draw on the walls of the living room! ...

Shin Hye: I've offended? ... I tried, smiling.
Yong Hwa: No, -replied he, turning to me.- But I'll make sure that we meet less often this summer.
Shin Hye: Good.
Yong Hwa: Good.
Shin Hye: Fine.
Yong Hwa: Fine

I finished my croissant, then made a U-turn to go. I threw then in a bantering tone, not too loud but enough for him to hear me:

Shin Hye:I 've offended!

I laughed when they heard grumbling.
I came out of the kitchen when I met Mr Jung in the hallway.

Shin Hye: Hello Mr Jung!
Ji Taek Oh, hello Shin Hye. I have discussed with Sandara use your time today. Here is a summary sheet of the day, I INFOMA he handed me a paper. I do not think boys cross today, you tell them hello for me, and transmit their program today. I'm gonna get something to eat and I'm off. I have two or three things to pay for their concert tomorrow night.
Shin Hye: Okay. I would say that. And you will surely see Yong Hwa in the kitchen eating. Good day!
Ji Taek: Always the last to get up, one ... -he told smiling-.
Yong Hwa: Hey! I heard that!

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