Game Start

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Alfred's POVI walked onto the cobblestone trail leading to the house, I could hear Tennessee and Kentucky bickering once again, Ohio and Idaho were sitting by the window then called the other states, and most of the states came out then hugged me tightly. "Hey big bro!" California yelled as he slapped me on the back. "I'm doing good Cali." I said and grinned when California's face glowed red and the others began to snicker. California hated it when I used his pet name. "D-Don't call me that bro!" he said. I only laughed and went inside with the others. Around the house was a alluring aroma filtered in the air. I quickly walked to the kitchen to see Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona, Alabama, and Wisconsin cooking all around the kitchen. They took one look at me and smiled before presuming their cooking. I felt someone tapping my shoulder and turned around to see (s/n). "Yes (s/n)?" I asked and turned my whole body around to face her. "All of the countries are here." she replied. I nodded and watched her as she walked past me and helped the others cook. I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to see everyone here and sitting around the room. After a minute of chatting, the states came in with desserts in their hands and gave each country one then left.

Your POV

I walked outside with my dinner in my hand. The moon shined and the stars danced upon the sky. I sat down on a log next to Virginia and Oregon. My (h/c) hair was gently floated in the wind and my (e/c) eyes adjusted in the dark. I watched as Arizona as she started the fire and the flames changed different colors and figures formed in the flames then soon jumped out of the flames. We all watched in awe as the figures were rabbits, coyotes, deers, and other animals as the animals ran near us then jump back into the flames and new animals came out.

After we ate, I grabbed my fiddle, Kentucky and Tennessee grabbed out their mandolins, while the others grabbed out other instruments while some others didn't have instruments. I strummed one chord and immediately everyone started to sing, dance, or play their instruments. The quiet atmosphere was now filled with music, dancing, and singing. And now the sky was glowing with brilliant color.

Alfred's POV

We all listened as the music and singing that was hanging in the air. "How are we going to get their stuff if they're either wearing it or have it?" Hungary asked. Oh that was a problem, (s/n)'s favorite belonging was the fiddle, Tennessee and Kentucky had their mandolins, California had his surf board, Arizona was wearing her favorite hiking boots, and the states were wearing or had their favorite belongings. "Well we need to separate the states and grab their stuff." I said and everyone agreed. Now the games had begun.

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