On the drive to the party, the radio was on at a decent volume level while the group conversed and joked with each other. All except Jahkai, who seemed to be in his own world.

"When I attack, there ain't a army that could strike back. So I react, never calmly on a hype track.." He mumbled his own rap lyrics to himself as he pulled out a small bag of weed from his pocket.

Zara glanced over at him, watching him as he carefully crushed the bud in his hand before rolling a blunt.

"You're not supposed to be smoking in my uncle's car." Zara spoke with a hint of attitude in her voice.

Jahkai slowly looked at her with the permanent mean mug that never seemed to leave his face. "Do you see me smokin' in yo' uncle's car?" He spat back with the same attitude.

Everyone in the car went silent and only the low music playing from the radio could be heard.

"Could you guys not start this shit right now?" Dominique said, annoyed as she came to a red light.

"Talk to her. She the one who always got somethin' to say." Jahkai stated while he finished rolling his blunt.

"All I said was you're not supposed be smoki-"

"How you know I was gonna smoke right now, though? What if I just wanted to roll up now so I could save time from doing it at the party?" Jahkai shook his head, licked his lips, and gently stuffed the rolled blunt in his pocket. "See, that's your problem. You think you know everything and you wanna be right all the time. How bout you just shut the fuck up for once."

Zara's mouth dropped but she quickly picked it up and gave Jahkai a look of distaste. "Excuse me?"

"Yo, Kai. Chill out, b." Malik said, glancing over at Jahkai.

"No. It's all good, Malik." Zara spoke up and looked back at Jahkai. "What the hell is your problem? Actually, you know what? I don't give a fuck what your problem is. If you weren't Dominique's friend, I would've kicked your other tooth out already. You and them fuck ass waves. I hope ya barber fucks up ya hairline next time you see him." She rolled her eyes and looked away from him.

Dominique, Janae, and Malik all snickered as they struggled to hold in their laughter.

"Aye, y'all just relax aight?" Dominique said through a smile.

Jahkai didn't say another word and just continued to stare out the window while Zara smirked to herself. She found it kind of fun to keep going back and forth with Jahkai. He didn't seem like the type to get angry easily anyways, which made it even more fun. She didn't hate or dislike him, honestly. In her mind, it was just a friendly rivalry at this point. A few jabs at each other here and there, nothing serious. He'll be aight.

The group finally arrived at Omari's overly packed house. Zara and Janae's eyes widened at how big and beautiful his house was as they entered the premises. Their houses were big back at home in Texas and Cali, but they were nothing compared to Omari's.

Guests were spread out all throughout the house and the group maneuvered their way between the bodies as they searched for Omari.

"I know those ain't my niggas!" Omari's loud voice caught the group's attention.

They turned around and excitedly rushed over to him. They each said 'happy birthday' to him, in which he thanked them in return. Antwan soon made his way up to them with a camera in his hand and strips of film tangled up all over him, causing the crew to look at him weirdly.

"The fuck happened to you?" Jahkai asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm too drunk to even answer that question right now, kid." Antwan replied, slurring his words. "But yo, someone take this picture of us real quick." He immediately shoved the camera in Malik's hand, not really knowing who he gave the camera to, and grabbed Omari and Jahkai.

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