The Magic of a Smile

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Note: This is kind of like a sequel to "The Magic of Giving",  let's just say Emily is Lily's cousin. :)

Mrs. Johnson had lived in the same house for over fifty years. She had seen generations of families come and go, but none had ever stopped to say hello.

One summer day, as she sat on her front porch, a little girl skipped past, twirling in her pink dress. Mrs. Johnson watched as the girl stopped and looked up at her, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Hi there!" the girl said. "My name is Emily. What's yours?"

Mrs. Johnson was taken aback. No one had spoken to her so kindly in years. "I'm Mrs. Johnson," she said, smiling back at the girl.

From that day on, Emily came to visit Mrs. Johnson every day. They would chat about everything from the weather to their favorite books, and Mrs. Johnson would always make Emily a glass of lemonade and give her a cookie.

As the weeks went by, other children began to notice Emily's visits and started to stop by too. Soon, Mrs. Johnson's porch was filled with kids playing games, reading books, and laughing together.

Mrs. Johnson couldn't believe the change that had come over her house. For so many years, it had been quiet and empty, but now it was filled with the magic of children's laughter and the warmth of their smiles. 

And as she looked out at the kids playing on her porch, she realized that it had been the simple act of a smile that had brought them all together.

Remember readers, it takes less muscles to smile than to frown. I hope you have a nice day/night!

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