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Ron Weasley had always been an unassuming sort of figure, never standing out from the shadow of his best friend Harry Potter. When he was a younger man, he found himself jealous and even somewhat envious but everything had changed when Harry gave his life so they could live. Words could not even describe the pain that Ron felt from his best friend's death, the regret that came from never truly appreciating him, and the immaturity of himself.

Ron woke from his bed mechanically and set out to the bathroom before heading into work for the day. He had taken over his brother's position as manager of Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes in Diagon Alley, a career that suited the peace he now sought. Even so, nothing could quite fill that void left behind by Harry's death. That's why, when his shift was over, Ron would visit the Three Broomsticks and drown himself in liquor before heading home for the night. He was entirely unaware of the fact that he was being watched by his best friend the entire time.

"Ron, what are you doing to yourself mate?" Harry asked from his perch in the realm between realms.

Harry had taken the position of Master of Death, a position that allowed him to observe the happenings of this earth from the space between the afterlife and the living. It was quite a tremendous responsibility but Harry couldn't care less as it allowed him to keep a close eye on the two people he loved the most.

"Ron, I'm coming for you, mate," Harry whispered to himself, "I'm not going to let you do this to yourself."
Ron hated himself. That was the best way to describe his existence, the redhead angrily thought as he sipped on his third shot of fire whiskey. No matter how much the liquor burned its way down his throat, he couldn't feel anything. Life had been nothing short of miserable since Harry's death and Ron wished that he could join his best friend in death. There were several times he came close to it but some unseen force stopped him. Still, one thing was certain: Ron missed his best friend.

Too caught up in his own misery, Ron never noticed that he was joined by a hooded man. "One firewhiskey for me, no more for him," the hooded man commanded before gesturing to Ron.

"Oi, who the bloody hell do you think you are?" Ron questioned angrily.

"Oh I think you've had quite enough Ronald," the stranger spoke up once more.

"Who the hell are you?" Ron once more asked before drawing his wand.

Harry felt himself smile at Ron's quick temper before lowering his hood to stare right back at his brother's face. Some things never change, Harry noted, as Ron's anger changed to confusion in a second.


Harry smirked at his best mate before grunting as Ron pulled him into a tight hug. He waited a beat for Ron to let go but it never came.

"Ron, you can let go now," Harry told Ron who still was grasping him, "RON, LET GO," Harry forcefully commanded.

"Sorry, mate," Ron sheepishly apologized after wiping away the traitorous tears that sped down his face.

"How are you even alive?" Ron questioned as he regained composure.

"Long story, but I'm the Master of Death. I'm not technically alive right now, I'm just allowed," Harry paused as if trying to find the best way to explain it, "to visit whenever the world needs me," he finished.

"So you're just here temporarily," said Ron with a hint of sadness.

Harry nodded before leveling a serious gaze to his best mate.

"The reason I'm here is because of you," Harry started, "because I don't know why you're doing this to yourself."

"How'd you mean?"

"Meandering through life. Going to work, drinking, then going home to sleep and do it all over again in the morning," Harry listed off with barely contained frustration.

"Look, mate, I miss you," Ron began, "but if you're coming back to lecture me on my lifestyle, then I think I'll pass," he finished.

"This isn't a lifestyle, Ronald. This isn't living," Harry calmly declared.

"You have no idea what it's like without you," Ron angrily admitted before turning back to face the bar.

"No, I don't. But I have an idea of what it's like to love and be loved by you, mate."

Harry gently touched Ron's shoulder and pulled the distraught man to stare back at him. It killed him inside to see his best friend looking like this and he needed to rectify this.

"I don't want this for you," Harry admitted softly. "It breaks my heart to see you like this, Ronald," he continued.

"I just miss you," Ron shuddered with the force of a heavy breath, "I miss you so damn much, Harry."

Harry softly smiled at his best mate before clapping him on the shoulder. Words couldn't describe how much he missed the redhead as well. It honestly surprised him that Ron was so open with his emotions but it wasn't unwelcome to him.

"I do too," Harry said before pausing to brush away Ron's tears, "but I'm always with you."

"You're a great wizard, Ron. You just get into your own head sometimes, mate. But I can see that potential within you, and you owe it to me to live up to that. You owe it to yourself, and to your family."

"But what if I can't?"

"That's okay, you still have to at least try," commanded Harry.

Ron nodded before grabbing Harry's hand as the man made to get up and leave.

"Hey Harry, I—I love you," Ron confessed, not used to being this open with his feelings but not caring in the slightest. He was going to say the words he had longed to say to his brother, nothing was going to get in the way of that.

Harry chuckled as he stood up. "I love you too, mate," he responded before turning to leave.

"Oh, and one more thing," Harry called as he turned back to look at Ron, "remember that the ones who love us, never really leave us."

Ron sadly smiled before turning back to settle his tab and leaving his firewhiskey untouched. When he looked back, Harry was gone but the emptiness in Ron's chest was gone as well.

When Ron left the bar, he was determined to honor the gift that Harry had given to them and to honor the brother he lost all too soon.

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