part 1

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I finally came around

Me: "Everyone knows that I will get rid of this situation...but I don't know why they are still trying to control me and treat me however they want...don't they know that I am evolving?

Uhhh, I'm tired of being in a world that doesn't deserve me...I want to go to a world where I can be friends with a trustworthy being...I don't care what kind of being...I just promise to protect him and not hurt him."

After a few minutes of crying
Me: "yeah, you see!? I finally cried...ahhhh... shhhhit... why me?

No one is going to come to save me from this shit world except I have to get out of here before they come..."

All of a sudden, I heard the sound of footsteps...before they open the door, I used my power to unchain the electric chains that bound my hands and feet then I opened another portal to a world I have never been to before.

I have a strange feeling when I'm in a world where everything seems abnormal...although I've seen many worlds, many multiverses, I've never seen a world like this before...
It's very crowded and noisy here...
how to deal with this situation?
How did they deal with this situation?
I don't get it....ohh Maybe they got used to it.

When I looked around, I realized that here is a haven where a creature lives... but there is no one here

Me: "what's this?...i can see outside..."

I touched the mysterious invisible thing with my hand...

Me: "wow!"
mysterious creature: "This is the window glass"

I took a few steps back.

Me: "who are you?"
mysterious creature: "actually I'm a name is Ty"

He showed his sharp fangs

Ty: "good to meet you"
why am I gasping?...
Me: "I....i...i know...I...i know... that...that you
Ty: " are you ok? Why are you gasping😲?
Hey, easy! I'm not wild!"
Me: "my heart hurts a lot...ahhh....hahaha...i feel dizzy"

Ty caught me before I fell down
He put me on something comfortable and soft then I fainted...
I opened my eyes

Ty: "good finally came around!"
Me: " I fainted...yesterday or today? "
Ty: "hahaha none of fainted last night...don't you remember? "
Me: "not really! "
Ty: "what kind of creature are you? have a soft tail and wings, your ears and nose are like wolves along with sharp white well as no toes!ohh wooow! you know what I have never seen a creature like you! "
Me: "it's called 'Drix' or 'Thibaut', I'm a Drix...ummm by the way I have never seen a creature like you either"
Ty: "it's really clear that you're not from this universe!"
Me: "oh, here's called universe! "
Ty: "hahaha, I realized that last night...when I met you... "
Me: so this means we're friends, don't we?
Ty: "from now on?! Ummm we don't know each other very well"
Me: "we'll do..."
Ty: so I need to know your name"
Me: "I'm Tynnoi...uh, it seems that you live alone"
Ty: "It is much better this way"
Me: "hahahaha...couldn't agree with you more..."
Ty: "get up from my bed...breakfast is ready to be eaten"
Me: "it's called bed...hahaha...I'm glad I'm not alone"
I was laughing suddenly I fell down
Me: " head!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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