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"The day starts with a sunny weather while the others are playing outside class 3-2 are busy answering their mock exams."

Jang Ae-hyun

"After answering the last question I put my pencil down and looked at the sky who were full of those purple spheres."

"While looking at the spheres I saw young-hoon standing up and going at the front to give his test paper so I stood up and gave mine too."

"While I'm cleaning up I saw from the corner of my eye a boy who's walking towards me and that boy is the one that I have been liking for a year now."

"That boy is now infront of me holding out a pack of my favorite gum."

"Here have a gum i'm sure you have been stressing a lot ."

"He said while giving me a smile"

"I smiled back while saying"

"Thank I do have been stressing a lot lately because I was studying so hard for the exams I don't really wanna fail it."

"Well don't stress out so much I know you will do a great job hyun."

"He gave me a big grin while walking away while I was still there smiling to myself like some crazy woman."

"He's just the perfect guy"

"And that guy is Wang Tae-Man."

hi guys this is my first Das story so I hope you like it I have recently watched it and it's such an amazing series but this is all for now but I guarantee that the other chapter will be long so just wait for it.

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