An hour later I was still confused, but more from the amount of information I had received. So apparently I had been in a battle, that's where I had woken up, and been hit with a powerful obliviate curse and flown backwards and hit my head. Losing my memories in the process. "They could come back, or they could not, some parts could come back and some may be lost forever," my healer, Anthony had spoken. He had asked me if I could remember anything from my previous life, but I just shook my head. "Then let's start simple," he said. "Do you know your name?" he asked me. "Yeah, it's [Y/N] (Y/L/N]" I said surprised. He began asking me questions and surprisingly I could answer more than I had thought. Fred had never left my side, keeping his hand in mine squeezing it when I couldn't answer a question, showing his support. I couldn't help but feel comforted by this strange man. After my head had started to hurt from trying to uncover memories that didn't exist. Anthony had given me a potion and told me to rest, I did as he said and within minutes I had fallen asleep.


Fred's POV

I was at a loss for words. What was I supposed to do, she didn't remember me. After talking to Anthony and figuring out that she had some memories I felt more hopeful, but still lost somehow. I needed to talk to someone, someone who knew her. After being reassured that [Y/N] would be out cold till morning from the sleeping draft I decided to head home and talk to George. I walked up and gave [Y/N] a kiss on her forehead like I had done countless times over the past few days, but this time it felt different, like she was far away from me, this broke my heart. I disaperated and felt the cold evening breeze. It was unusually cold for May, I hadn't bothered to change my clothes before I left, regretting it now. I brought my arms up to try and stay warm as I opened the door to the shop and began to climb the stairs to our flat. I opened the door and could hear loud chatter and laughing coming from the living room. I had forgotten that George had friends over. Should I just go back and talk to him tomorrow instead, my thoughts were interrupted by George's voice. "So you decided to come, great," he said beaming looking at me from the other end of the hall. But his face soon dropped. "What's wrong?" he asked. Angelina soon appeared behind her boyfriend. "Is it, [Y/N]? Is she okay?" she asked in panic. "She woke up," I said without any joy in my words. "Come in and tell us what happened," George said. I nodded and walked into the living room behind George and Angelina. "Hey Fred," Ron said, getting up from his seat on the sofa and walking over embracing me in a tight hug. He didn't say a word and just hugged me until I broke the embrace a few moments later. "Come on, sit down and tell us what happened," Angelina said. I walked over to the only empty armchair and looked up only now noticing the people in the room. Ron was joined on the orange sofa by Hermione on the other armchair opposite mine sat one of my best friends, Lee Jordan. On the sofa opposite Ron and Hermione sat Angelina, George. "Has something happened?" Hermione asked me, I nodded and began telling them everything that had happened that evening. When I had finished I felt numb and silence fell over the room, nobody knowing what to say.

It was Hermione that broke the silence. "It's obvious what you have to do isn't it?" she asked me softly. I just looked at her confused. "If she can't remember your relationship, or how you fell in love or any memories, then make new ones. Go on a first date again, have a first kiss again, fall in love all over again. Try not focusing on the fact that she can't remember, try and focus on the fact that she is still here. She loves you, even if she can't remember loving you, she still does," she said. She had a point, if there was the slightest chance of getting her back I had to try. "But what if she doesn't?" I asked "I don't know who I am without her" I added quietly.

"She's not gonna leave you, mate" I turned his focus on my brother. Maybe he was right.

"[Y/N] has always had a crush on you. I remember it clearly. First week of school she told me you were so cute, and I remember I asked her how she could tell you and George apart. She just smiled and said that you had a glimmer in your eyes that was different from George's. She told me that when you smiled the room would light up. Later on she told me she had always known deep down that she was lost the moment she met you," Angelina spoke. I looked at [Y/N]'s best friend as she spoke. Maybe they were right. I nodded.

"So can we come by tomorrow and visit?" Lee asked, I looked up at him. "I think it might be a bit overwhelming if everyone shows up, I think we should give her time and if she wants to meet you I'll let you know," I said. He nodded in understanding.

I stayed for a few hours and ate, laughed and talked with my friends and family, until I felt myself become tired. "Think it's time for me to head back," I said with a yawn. Lee had left about an hour ago. "I Think we should go to Ron," Hermione said. I got up from the armchair hugging George awkwardly trying not to wake the sleeping Angelina in his lap. "Night Georgie," I said. He nodded back smiling at me, "Night Freddie." I turned towards Ron and Hermione standing in the doorway leading to the hall. "Goodnight George, thanks for everything we had a wonderful evening," Hermione said politely. "Night, Hermione, Ron" he said nodding towards his brother. "Night" Ron muttered before we left and headed towards the door leading to the shop. "I'll talk to mum and tell her not to come tomorrow, give you two some space," Ron said to me when we entered the street. "Thanks, Ron," I said, ruffling his hair a bit. "Oi stop doing that," he said annoyingly, I just laughed at him. "Never mind I won't tell mum.." he began but was interrupted by Hermione. "Yes you will, and besides if you don't I will tell her," she said. "That's why I love you Hermione," I said with a wink at her. She let out a laugh. Ron gave me a glare that only made me laugh more. "Goodnight ickle Ronniekins," I said mockingly. This only made him glare at me more. "Goodnight," he said through clenched teeth. I laughed as I disaperated back to St Mungos. Feeling a new sense of determination that I hadn't felt in a while. 

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