Chapter 2

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I sat in the mess hall by myself and eyed the guards standing behind me. They made me a little nervous but I also knew they were just doing their job. I had been awake for a couple days but was still under guard for some reason. I continued to eat my food and watch the other people, something I found to be very interesting. Major Sheppard was sitting with Teyla, Dr. McKay, and Dr. Keller. I was too far away to hear what they were talking about but I knew it was probably not interesting. I finished the rest of my food and left the mess hall to wander the city. I was still followed by the guards but learned not to pay attention to them. My wandering took me to an empty lookout platform and I sat for a long time watching the waves. I heard footsteps behind me and saw Major Sheppard approaching.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and I said I was fine. "Anything come back to you yet?"

I shook my head and answered, "No, but I haven't really had time to settle down and think. Too many appointment with the doctor." The major agreed and suggested that I try some soothing music in my quarters. With that, the Major left and I decided to take his suggestion of music. I checked in with Dr. Keller to get some sleeping pills in hopes of taking a nap. My sleep for the past couple days had been very minimal and it was starting to show. I took a few of the pills and laid down, listening to some quiet music and soon dozed off.


I woke up and bolted out of bed in a cold sweat, then tripped over my feet and tumbled to the floor. My noises caused the guards outside my room to rush in and demand to know what happened.

"What time is it?" I asked, not sure how long I was asleep. They didn't answer my question but kept asking what I was doing. I grunted and explained that I had a nightmare and had fallen out of bed.

"Come on, we're taking you to see the doctor." The big one said, "You might have hurt yourself." They pulled me off the floor and practically dragged me to the infirmary. We arrived and they sat me down on the side of the bed and one of them went to get Dr. Keller while the rest stayed by my bed.

"Hello Lt. Stirling, how are you?" Asked the doctor as she walked in. I explained my situation and she looked me over then gave me some pain medication for any lingering issues.

"You are still taking the allergy medication, right?" She asked and I said I was. "Good, we aren't sure what the side effects of you reaction are so the doses have to be kept up on."

I told her I would not miss any doses, I didn't need anything worse than what was already going on.

"Do you want to sleep here for the night?" Keller asked, "It's pretty late and if you stay here then I can wake you up if you have another nightmare." I nodded and she brought me to a more secluded area for me to stay. The hospital bed was a little uncomfortable but if it helped, I was all for it. The sleeping pills made me groggy very quickly and I soon dozed off again.


"How is she doing, doctor?" Dr. Weir asked and I heard her muffled voice come from behind the curtains. I was only awake enough to comprehend what they were talking about, but not enough to move.

Dr. Keller replied, "She is already experiencing nightmares. I have no reason to assume she has stopped the treatments but I may have to up the dosage. Things may be progressing further then expected because of her body type."

I wondered what they were dosing me with but didn't have time to think more before the medication took hold and I fell fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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