I opened it and smiled sleepily. 

REMEMBER: hey don't over sleep. You're spending the day with the 1D boys!

I jumped up and ran to Sadie's room. 

"GET UP!! Time to get dressed to go see the boys!"

She jumped outta bed quickly and we both ran for our showers. 

Just as I stepped out, my phone went off again with a notification from Niall's twitter.

@NiallOfficial: @JasmineGreene13 Dress comfortably since we're just chilling. Oh! And bring a bathing suit ;)

I groaned and got dressed and packed a bathing suit then walked to Sadie's room and told her what Niall told me.

She groaned too and handed me her bathing suit. 

I put it in my bag and off we went to spend our day with One Direction.

When we got there we showed their tour manager Paul our passes and he showed us the way to the room where the boys were.

"Louis what are you doing?" I heard Harry say as we got to the door.

I opened the door and as we stepped in Sadie and I tripped over something that was lying in front of the door.

Niall and Liam ran over to help us up.

"You ok Jasiday?" Sadie asked and I blushed and glowered at her as the guys laughed at my nickname.

"Yea Sadiecakes I'm fine. How bout you?" She blushed and glowered back at me and then we both began laughing.

"So I'm pretty sure your real names aren't Jasiday and Sadiecakes." Louis said.

"No. My name is Sadie." She said, blushing slightly.

I giggled at her and shook my head. "My name is Jasmine." 

Niall stuck his tongue out at the boys and said "I already knew that."

"How did you know that?" Harry asked, for some unknown reason, sounding jealous.

"He followed me on twitter after I won the tickets."

Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the corner of the room and smiled. 

"Well I'm about to make a complete idiot out of myself with this but Hi I'm Niall Horan."

I giggled and said "Hello Niall Horan I'm Jasmine Greene."

"Well Jasmine what kinda things do you like to do?"

"I like writing stories and singing but I'm not good at either." 

He smiled. "I bet you're just fine at both."

I shook my head. "No. Once my friends tried to get me to try out for X-factor here in America. I wouldn't do it."

"JASMINE!" Sadie called from across the room where she was with Liam.


"Come On and sing!"

"NO!" I said my face turning red.

"YES! I will if you will!" She said.

I sighed. "Promise?" 

"Yes but you have to sing first. AND you have to sing Little Things."

I glowered at her again. "Really? So not only do you want me to make a fool out of myself you also want me to ruin a great song?!"

"You won't mess it up. I'll sing Taken if you sing Little Things!" 

I sighed. "Fine but all I ask is that none of you laugh at me."

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