(Yes..you are the number 2 smartest after me)(teasing)

Ciel:huh...then don't ever ask me any more questions...(sullen)

(Little laugh.. you're so cute when you sulk)

Next day

Izabella:anos chan, arcana chan...make sure to take good care of rimuru...

Arcana: yess mother

Sasha: don't worry we will definitely take care of her well..

Misha, lay, misa: (nodding)

Anos: ok...we will go now..

Izabella:rimuru chan..make sure you take good care of yourself..don't do anything dangerous...(hug)

Rimuru: yess mother

Gusta: you all take care...

All: yess...

With that we all teleported to layer 100 using misa magic 

Somewhere on layer 100

3rd pov

There were many people gathered in a place that looked like a hotel lobby...they were all lining up to rent a room in the hotel

?:ahh...why are so many people coming today...if it continues like this I won't have time to watch the match at the colosseum today (complaining)

?:don't complain..after all, it's your own fault because you were late to ask the boss for leave yesterday...if I didn't think that you are my friend...I must be in the colosseum right now...(angry)


Suddenly there was an explosion outside the hotel

?:eh..what explosion is that?

?: let's go check

Meanwhile outside the hotel

Rimuru:arh...why can there be an explosion effect when you use teleportation magic? luckily I have a barrier all over my body...

Misa: sorry.. I'm still not good enough in using long distance teleportation magic..

Rimuru: you should have told me from the beginning...(complaining)

Rimuru: and why are there so many people looking at us now?

Lay: maybe they were checking the explosion earlier...

Sasha: don't worry...it's just an effect of teleportation magic..so go..(explaining to everyone who is confused)

Rimuru: so what are we doing here?

Anos: tonight we will spend the night here...we have our own room in this hotel....

Arcana:rimuru...tonight you will sleep with me...

Rimuru:uh....I slept with a woman?!!!

Arcana: why if it like that?

Rimuru(ah...even after 300 years I'm still not used to being a woman)

Rimuru: nothing..

Rimuru:(well forget about it for now)

rimuru: (ciel, is my strength getting suppressed now?)

ciel:huh...isn't master the smartest person in the whole world so why does master need to ask this number two (still sulking)

rimuru:(sorry ciel..you are the smartest person in the whole world..so please answer this stupid person's question) (plead)

ciel:huh.. yes master's power has been suppressed.. but don't release master's power here... because even if master's power has been suppressed it is still enough to destroy the entire layer 0 to 100

rimuru:eh..so what's the point of me being here if I can still destroy it

ciel: the longer master stays at layer 100 and above,master's body will become stronger..

rimuru: so if I stay here my body will be able to withstand my strength and I won't lose control again?

ciel: yes..

rimuru:huhu..look I can figure it out myself right?

ciel: huh...(stupid)

rimuru:(huh..did you say something ciel?)

ciel: no.. maybe it's just master's imagination

anos: okay... tonight we will rest first, we will go to layer 186 tomorrow..

sasha: eh... how about we take Rimuru to visit this layer 100 first?

Rimuru: It's okay, I don't need it

sasha: no..we need to take you here for a tour first...besides, layer 100 is a place with a very beautiful view..do ​​you all agree?

lay: I have no objection

misa: same as me

Misha: I agree

anos: well then, we will visit here first tomorrow

rimuru: wait..aren't there millions of universes in each layer..don't say we will travel to all universes..

sasha: hahaha... don't worry we'll only travel on this planet... even I can't travel all over the universe

with that we rested for the night and were ready to travel tomorrow

                                        To be continue

yo....I still don't have an idea for the next chapter..but I'm thinking of making a fight in the next chapter..so while I'm thinking about the continuation of this story I'll make another story first..so I want to ask your opinion to make rimuru a boy or a girl in that story..please comment your opinion

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