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A New Ending to "Finale" by Stephanie Garber
(I call it, the not so happy ending)

For context, Tella is under Jack's spell, and he is the prince of hearts. Jacks can control emotions. In the real book, Legend snaps her out of the trance with a kiss and the promise of love. Legend is immortal and not willing to give up his immortality for her until the end.

Tella couldn't understand why Legend was talking to her like an old friend, or lover. She quickly glanced at Jacks, who looked nervous.
"Donatella" Legend said, begging, "I love you, and I know deep inside that you love me too. I'm willing to become human, for you."
Something inside her stirred, like an animal trying to get out. It tasted like uncertainty and heartbreak. It flooded her emotions and made her adrenaline rush. Tella was about to give in to this great love, but she suddenly remembered that Legend had broken her heart, stomped on it numerous times. Tella remembered that he was trying to make her immortal, for his own selfish reasons. She knew what they could have had was special, but Tella didnt think she had anymore heart to break. Jacks, she suddenly remembered. She could feel his power flowing through her and it tasted like love, happiness, and forever. She could see a nice future with him, three blonde babies, two girls and a boy. They had Jack's eyes and her curls. Jacks was teasing her, while she made supper.
Tella grinned at the thought, but Legend misinterpreted this as her wanting him. Legend grinned so wide, whispered "finally" and leaned in for a kiss, Tella could tell there connection was strong, but she couldnt ignore Jack's heartbreak running through her veins, and the dreaded feeling of their future falling apart. Tella started to panic, somehow knowing she only had seconds left of loving Jacks. She couldnt bear the thought. Without him she was empty, without him, she would be dead, or worse, empty. If Tella chose Legend, she was guaranteed a life of uncertainty and heartbreak. Tella loved Jacks, she realised, more than anyone. She was supposed to be his true love, his forever, and, she just remembered, it looked like she wanted another man. Tella pulled away and slapped Legend in panic. He looked startled and heartbroken.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME. ALL YOU CAUSE IS PAIN, HEARTBREAK, AND EMPTINESS!" Tella glanced at the shocked Prince of Hearts. She ran off with tears streaming down her face. To Jacks. Her one and only. They embraced, as tears came down from both people. Jack's bloody tears that he had only cried once before. For her, when he took her pain away and unto himself. All he ever did was for her.
"I thought I lost you, love" Jacks said, and it broke her heart how tender it was.
"I will never, ever leave you again!" Tella declared. She couldnt deal with all this heartbreak. "My Prince of Hearts"
"All hail the Queen of Hearts" He said with a laugh as he said "queen of mine at least."

A Jacks endingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora