The Airport

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(Levi's POV)

Tch. I hate my Uncle. I hate my Uncle's business. And I especially hate my life at the moment. I am now being forced to attend a business trip with my Uncle Kenny who wants me to take over the family business when he grows later. Wow I must've said 'business', like, five times. But god do I hate it.

We were in the airport now awaiting the arrival of the plane that would take them to the ever-so-popular Hawaii. God how cliché. My damn Uncle had gone to the bathroom and still not come out yet. Of course I couldn't care less if he fell into his own sh*t or something.

I was just standing in the middle of the waiting area, avoiding at all costs to not touch those disgusting public chairs. I was just in the middle of reading my book when a huge crashing noise echoed through out the airport. I looked over to see a mess of brown hair facing the ceiling as he groaned. Pink suitcases littered all around him along with one black duffle bag.

"Eren! Are you okay?"

A girl with medium length black hair and a red scarf came into view with a worried expression. The boy, who I guessed was Eren, sat up and gave her a lopsided grin.

"Y-yea. Sorry Mikasa, I thought I could get it all." He received a slap to the back of the head.

"What was that for?" He yelled.

"Stop trying to impress me with your so-called strength." Eren turned a bright red and looked at her with wild eyes. He pulled here in close and whispered something to her at which she sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Eren, I swear to god, if you have an anxiety attack on the plane I will personally use my...specialty on you." I saw the kid visibly gulp and shake his head no.

I clicked my tongue and tried to focus back on my book. Every once in a while I would look up to see the brat trying to figure out the schedule for the planes.

I went back to reading when I heard something near me. I look over and see the brat making his way over to me. He was blushing madly and smiled shyly  at me. For some reason or another that made my heart speed up.

"H-hello. Can y-you tell m-me w-when the, uh, Hawaiian Airliners are b-boarding?" I rolled my eyes and looked up into his green and blue eyes.

"It's running five minutes late so you're good." I went back to m book when he decided to bother me some more.

"So where are you heading?" He asked, his gorgeous eyes filled to the brim with curiosity.

"Hawaii." He smiled some more.

"Me too! Have you ever been there before? I heard that the ocean this time of year is the most beautiful thing ever."

"I have never been so I wouldn't know."

Just then my Uncle Kenny decided to finally come out of the bathroom and make his way over to me, obviously drunk.

"Shit." I murmured under my breath. I didn't even bother to explain to Eren why I was leaving when he asked as I made my way over to him. He started to slur and say something about how he was going to pick up some local chicks when we got there. Good luck with that.  

I quickly got him seated when all of a sudden a woman came over the speaker telling us that it was time to board the plane. I started to drag my Uncle when all of a sudden some of the weight was taken from me. I looked over to see the brat from earlier was helping to getting my intoxicated family member onto the plane. I nodded my appreciation as we got onto the plane.

I decided that I would be a douche and stick my Uncle in coach for punishment. I searched the plane until I spotted who I was looking for.

"Oi, brat." I called out to Eren who looked at me confused.

"W-what?" He looked scared and I don't blame him, I am scary looking.

"Want to come and sit with me in first class?"

N/A: Okay so I got bored and decided to make another chapter. Love you all <3 Bye! I'll update soon. (Probably tomorrow.)

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