2: Crossing paths and nothings goes as planned

Começar do início

"O-0h, i d1dnt' see y0u"

The two little skeletons were confused as they could not understand anything the odd looking person said to them, their words looked nothing like theirs and sounded very strange. They had no idea they would ever meet anyone outside the lab that was like them, let alone someone who looked so...weird. They had bones so they must have been like them, but theirs were all strange colors and weren't smooth like their own, did all outside people look like this?

The stranger was so large compared with the only other skeleton they knew and his clothes were so tattered.

The large skeleton smiled at them with so much warmth when Subject 2 asked if he was like them, they still could not understand his words but they sounded so nice. His expression grew tired and saddened by something he had said next but kept looking at them with an expression the taller had only glimpsed from the doctor on very rare times...back when things weren't so bad...

The giant reached a large hand to them "Why d0n't y0u jo1n m3? you tw0 l0ok 4s t1red as i 4m"

They might not have understood what he said, but they could understand his intention, he wanted them close to him. The two brothers looked at each other and then to the hand still extended to them, patient but willing to step back if it was unwanted.

It was with some hesitation that they inched forward until they were level with his knees staring up at him, almost expecting him to grab at them. But he didn't, he sat perfectly still as they walked up to him and without much warning they crawled onto his lap.

They sat there, thinking that any minute he was going to toss them off for daring to climb onto his lap, but he didn't. He instead just huffed out a laugh and just moved one of his arms and rested it on their backs and drew them slightly closer into the little warmth he could provide from under his torn coat. Shielding them from the falling snow and the wind chill that their gowns did little to shield them from. But here in this strangers coat, they felt warm, they felt safe and they just inched further in and held each other and the dirty sweater under them.

It took the two them very little time to settle and shut their eyes, assured that this nice stranger would be there to look after them until they wake again.

Error hadn't quite expected the children to climb onto his lap, but he did not feel inclined to remove them. He just allowed them to do as they wished and wrapped a arm around their backs as they tried to hide from the cold. he knew he had always run hot at his core so he was perfectly content to let them bundle up and get as much warmth from him that they could. It only took a few short minutes for them to stop stirring and fall into a light sleep. He just smiled and leaned back onto tree behind to try and get into a slightly better position without disturbing his cargo and settled to be here for a while.

He could tell that they had been through something and really needed this little bit of kindness. Even if all he was doing was sheltering them while they slept for a little while.

He felt pity for these children and so much guilt.

He really was so weak to children, the part of his job that he hated most was when he had to destroy AU's with children. It made him feel like the most despicable monster in the multiverse seeing the innocent faces of those kids knowing what he was being made to do to them. He'd avoid it if he could but...it was often out of his hands, and he hated himself for every moment of it...more than he did already.

He really was the worst monster there was, if these two knew that, they wouldn't have come up to him for comfort so easily.

While Error was deep in his own self hatred, one of the children stirred, their expression grew tight as they're disturbed in their dreams. Without thinking Error started patting the back of their skull and watched as their expression eased and they settled right back to his chest. A small hand reaches up and grasps onto his coat causing him to freeze. Right there on the small hand was a metal plate, the dull silver glinting in the low light.

The tailor and the vampire lord: ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora