"I'm okay." Lyla laughs, putting her hands on top of his.

"Why were you under so long?" Charles asks, quickly kissing her lips.

"Daniel pushed me further under when he let go of me and I didn't get a chance to take a breath." Lyla smiles as he pulls away from her. "Nothing serious."

"Don't do that to me again." Charles states.

As Daniel and Lando climbed back onto the boat, Lyla fell down rather dramatically onto one of the sofas and grabs her phone, turning her full attention to the small screen. Lando got his hands on her polaroid camera since she had brought it with her and decided to start taking some stupid photos after getting permission from Lyla who told him to just use it whenever he felt like it because that what it was there for.

It was a pretty lazy beginning to the outing because they all lounged around, after they'd eaten lunch was when the chaos started because Lando was making them all jump in or would jump in after them and start splashing everyone. He pushed Charles off the edge of the boat at one point and Lyla managed to grab hold of Daniel's clothes and throw them into the water in retaliation for when he threw her in fully clothed the minute Charles had stopped the boat.

This left the Australian complaining for a while.

When Lyla wasn't looking Daniel threw her now dry clothes into the water and then did the same to Lando who started whining and pouting like a child.

After retrieving her clothes from the water and climbing back onto the deck of the boat, Lyla kept physically hitting Daniel and saying things to him in French, the Aussie tried to get Charles to translate but the Monegasque just put his hands up in defence before laughing at whatever she was saying.

"Stupid fucking bastard I hope you rot in hell." Lyla grumbles before walking to a chair.

"Is that not a bit harsh?" Charles asks, ignoring the glare from Daniel.

"No." Lyla replies. "You let him throw your clothes into the sea and you'll understand."

"WE DON'T SPEAK FRENCH!" Lando shouts, clicking his fingers.

"Okay and?" Lyla asks with a cheeky grin.

"Oh that is it Andre!" Lando shouts.

For the third time, Lyla had been forcibly shoved into the water against her own will and had come up from underneath the surface coughing.

Since the four of them all had different plans for the evening, they decided to bring the boat back into the harbour so they had time to return to their respective residences to get ready. Lyla and Charles decided to drive straight to Pascale's house because it was easier than making a round trip back to their shared apartment and then heading to Pascale's. With Lyla's clothes still soaked and unwearable, the blonde had stolen the hoodie Charles had brought down with him. It was his Monza 2019 hoodie and she was pretty much drowning in the material but in Charles' opinion she looked adorable.

The quartet spilt once they got out of the harbour, Lando and Daniel headed their respective ways whilst Charles and Lyla headed for the matte black Ferrari parked in the car park.

"Are Lorenzo and Arthur coming as well?" Lyla asks, lowering her Ray-bans onto her nose.

"Arthur should be getting there at the same time as us with Clara and Lorenzo is coming down a little bit later." Charles replies.

Lyla hums, resting her elbow on the window frame and placing her cheek on the palm of her hand. Charles reaches over and lifts her sunglasses back onto the top of her head causing her to shake her head and laugh at him before he starts pulling out of the parking space once the engine had roared to life. Soft chatter filled the air between them but after only a few minutes of driving, Lyla had fallen asleep in the passenger seat. Charles gave her a glance, still finding her absolutely adorable because she was wrapped up in his hoodie.

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