"You can just use a hovering charm, you don't have to carry her," George said from behind me. I looked back at him. "I'm not letting go of her" I said seriously to my brother. It didn't take long until we had arrived in the great hall. I walked over to where Madame Pomfrey was sitting helping a wounded girl.

"Madame Pomfrey, we need your help" I said, and she only glanced up at me before returning her gaze to the girl in front of her. "Put her over there and I will be over in a minute to have a look" she said gesturing to an empty stretcher in the middle of the room, beside lines of wounded people on similar stretchers. I was just about to protest when George nudged me towards the stretcher. "Come on Fred" I nodded feeling defeated and scared. I placed her down upon the stretcher and sat down next to her. George was no longer beside me but I didn't care where he had gone.

I started to stroke a few strands of hair from her face, she looked so peaceful like she was sleeping. I felt more hot tears stream down my face. I grabbed her soft hand in mine, like I had done countless times before. But had never appreciated just how wonderful the sensation of her hands squeezing mine back were until this very moment when all I wanted so desperately was to feel her loving touch. I could feel a familiar arm around my back. "Fred.." came my mothers soft voice from behind me. I could feel my throat beginning to ache and my lips started to quake. I hadn't realized how much I needed my mothers reassuring embrace. "Shhh, it's going to be alright my dear" she said, rubbing circles around my back. I felt myself lean into her touch, never dropping [Y/N]'s hand.

It felt like hours later that Madame Pomfrey had arrived, but my guess is that it had only been a few minutes. She examined her wounds and muttered some spells. My mother still sat beside me with her arm wrapped around me and my head on her shoulder. "She is in a coma, there isn't much more I can do until she wakes up" she said, giving me a sad smile. "What should we do, we can't just leave her here. She's hurt, and they are not gonna care if she's hurt" I could feel myself yelling. "Fred.." my mother said beside me but was interrupted by footsteps coming from outside. "They are back" came screams "And he is with them" someone else yelled. I looked up at my mother scared. "We will protect her, Fred" came my fathers voice from next to my mother. "Come on, we have to go," said Bill from the door of the great hall. "You go, I'll stay here with [Y/N]" I said, determined to stay strong. My mother hesitated but rose from the ground and gave me a weak smile. They left the great hall. "We are staying with you" came Angelina's voice from behind me. I looked up and saw her and George stand looking at the entrance to the great hall. I got up from my place on the ground and did the same, preparing myself to fight again.

"NOOOO!!" I could hear someone yell from outside the room. "Was that Ginny?!" asked George. I looked at him in horror, no it couldn't have been her. Silence hit again and we waited, everyone was too scared to utter a single word.

We could hear loud cheers from outside and loud bangs that came closer and closer. I tightened my grip on my wand, and focused on the door. In came my mother, father and Ginny, closely followed by Bellatrix. Ginny was sending hexes and curses her way but Bellatrix just laughed and sent a spell so powerful it nearly took Ginny out. "Not my daughter you bitch!" my mother screamed. She got up on a bench and began to duel with Bellatrix. I looked upon the scene in front of me scared but at the same time impressed at what my mother had said. Soon Bellatrix had vanished into nothingness and I could see a smile spread across my mothers face.

"Way to go mum!" yelled George beside me, I let out a laugh. "That was wicked mum," I added. She smiled towards us.

"Come on! Harry is fighting Voldermort in the courtyard" Neville yelled from outside the great hall. Ginny took off running, mum and dad were soon behind her "Ginny, wait" dad yelled. My smile dropped. I looked back at [Y/N] looking so beautiful despite the wounds and cuts upon her features.

Silence fell upon us as we waited for what felt like hours, just standing ready to strike at any second's notice.

"We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one, And Voldy's gone moldy, so now let's have fun!" Peeves sang as he entered the great hall. I looked at the poltergeist "Did we win, Peeves?" I yelled after him but he only laughed and flew straight into the wall and disappeared. I looked over at George, who looked just as confused as me, with Peeves you could never tell if he was playing some sick joke, and coming from me that's saying a lot. Soon footsteps could be heard outside the great hall. People entered looking tired, happy and relaxed. Wands lowered to their sides or they had pocketed them. I relaxed when I saw my father come back and walk over to us. "It's over, we won" he said and embraced both me and George in a long hug. We both hugged him back tightly.

"I think you should take her to St Mungos" dad said, breaking the hug and looking at me. Nothing we can do here and there are too many wounded for Madame Pomfrey to treat." I nodded at him and walked over to [Y/N] and grabbed her in my arms. "We will come too, in case there are any problems" dad said gesturing to him, Bill, Charlie and George. I nodded at them before aperating to St Mungos.

The moment we had arrived we saw chaos all around, healers running around everywhere treating wounded patients. We had not been the only ones who thought it better to head to St Mungos instead of staying at Hogwarts. Charlie walked up to a healer who had just finished treating a patient. "Excuse me, my sister in law is in a coma, where should we take her?" he asked, nodding towards [Y/N] in my arms. "Take her up to the fourth floor: spell damage and ask for Anthony, tell him Bynes sent you" the healer said. We nodded and headed for the fourth floor.

Within an hour of arriving on the fourth floor we had gotten a private room and met healer Anthony, who was incharge of the wing. He had run a handful of tests and exampined [Y/N]'s wounds thoroughly, and tried a few spells. He asked us questions and we answered the best we could.

"I am confident from the information you have given me, that she will wake up in a few days time, her body needs to relax after the impact she has experienced. We usually don't let relatives to our patient stay, but given the circumstances we will make an exemption. If you need anything just tell Amanda at the front desk" Anthony said. "Do you have any further questions?" he asked. I just stared at [Y/N]'s face where I sat in the armchair next to her bed. "No, I think we are alright, thanks healer Anthony," dad said, shaking the healer's hand before walking over to where I was sitting and placing a hand on my back "See, she will be alright" he said cheerfully and patted my back. "I should get back and tell your mother what has happened," he said as he gave me one last pat on the back and nodded towards Bill and Charlie to do the same. Bill walked up and gave me a quick hug "If you need anything just owl me" he said as he walked out the room behind his father. Charlie patted me on the back as he left behind Bill. George had stayed. "You don't have to stay," I said tiredly. "Don't even try and get me to leave" he simply said walking over to a green sofa and layed down upon it. "Anyway I think Angie will be here soon," he said, yawning. I could feel my eyelids become heavy, I rested my head upon [Y/N]'s bed and within seconds I fell asleep. Exhausted from the events the last two days. 

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