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"Don't kill me! i have a wife and kids!!!"

I find it hilarious when people's say that.

Ignoring his screams for mercy, i pull out a knife from my backpack and start stabbing him.

"This one is really loud" I thought to myself.

Finally his horrible screeching comes to an end and i take his body to what seems to be an abandoned house, it was white and had boarded up windows. it looked like the perfect place to leave a body. As i walked to the house i saw someone standing in the alleyway staring at me. He seemed  familiar but I couldn't figure out what his face looked like because of how dark it was.

Finally i get to the beat up house and kick the door open. Immediately i'm hit with the smell of rust and old blood. It gave me a headache. I walked into the house and dropped the body on the ground. I heard what sounded like talking. "Sh!t" i quietly ran out of the house and scurried to my house which was a few blocks away.

When i got home I quickly changed my clothes and tossed them into the washer. I was supposed to be drawing an art commission but i fell asleep. I was woken up by a loud noise coming from the living room. I get up to see that the window is broken and there is shards of glass on the floor. I hear a noise coming from the bathroom. I quickly but quietly rush to the bathroom and peek through the small gap of the door that was slightly opened. I see a tall man with messy black hair and he was realy realy skinny. Then suddenly he screamed "WHERE THE F*CK IS THE BACTINE!? NONE OF THESE HOUSES HAVE- oh here it is." I stand there in shock staring at this tall figure standing in my bathroom. He turns to look at me and says "oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up. My name is Johnny but you can call me Nny"  I didn't know what to say."Umm are you okay? You look a little pale." He asked. I was in so much shock that I couldn't move. Then everything went black.

☆ chapter 2 soon ☆
art by me

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