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Everyone sat in Cassie's living room at 2 in the afternoon. Rue and Maddy sat together, Cassie and Lexi, and Suze.

Lexi was bandaged up on the shoulder from the attack last night. The stab wasn't very deep at all so she didn't need any serious surgery. Jules was released from the hospital earlier that day.

"I'm going to go get a class of wine. I'll be in my room if you need me. Please be safe," Suze told them as she walked out of the room to get a drink.

They all sat around on the couches and chairs and looked around at each other.

"They got Kat. They got BB. This is getting fucking ridiculous. We need to figure this shit out," Maddy told everyone.

"All I know is that it's one of us. It's somebody here. Whoever is doing this is going based off of the Scream movies. They're wearing the mask. They're killing people we are all close to," Lexi explained as she stood up.

"This isn't a fucking movie Lexi. This is real life," Cassie told her.

"I know, Cassie but I'm connecting the dots! Why don't you just listen to me for once?" Lexi shouted at her.

A knock was heard at the door. The arguing quickly stopped and everyone looked to the door in paranoia. Cassie got up and walked to the door.

"Look out the window first, Cass," Lexi told her from the couch.

Cassie approached the door and looked out the window. Her eyes shot open as her jaw dropped. She covered her mouth and walked back to the living room and sat behind Lexi.

"What?" Lexi asked.

Rue stood up from the couch and walked over to the door. She opened the door and saw Nate standing there.

"The fuck do you want?" she asked.

"I want to talk. I feel like I deserve to be involved in this conversation. I'm in just as much danger as all of you," he explained.

Rue looked over at Lexi. She shrugged her shoulders and looked around at everyone else. She reluctantly opened the door wider and let Nate walk in. The tension in the room rised immensely as he entered.
He sat down on a chair in the room and looked at Maddy and Casey. The fury in Maddys eyes could be seen from miles away.

"It's you," Maddy said as she looked directly at Nate.
"I'm so shocked you said that," Nate replied as he rolled his eyes.

"You're the psycho mother fucker who literally gets pleasure out of torturing people and you've just now decided to do it by killing people," she explained as she pointed her acrylic fingernails in his face.

"Alright, alright can we all just calm down for a second?" Jules interrupted. "We're all suspects. Do I like Nate? Not in the fucking slightest. But it could be anyone. Is Nate the most likely? Probably. But you're all on my suspect list."

Maddy looked at Jules and then back at Nate and crossed her arms. She lifted her eyebrow as she continued to stare a hole through him.

"Listen, I don't know who it is. But I'm going to figure out who it is and do it for Kat," Cassie told them as she got up and left the room.

They all watched her as she left with all the attitude. Everyone in this room could have a motive for killing Elliot, attacking Jules, killing Kat and BB. But who was it? All they could know is that it was someone in the room.

"How's your shoulder, Jules?" Lexi asked.

"It's okay, it's okay," Jules told her.

All of them didn't know what to say anymore. None of them had been through anything like this before. And killer or not, they were all paranoid.

Scream: Euphoria Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora