Chapter 1 pt.1 "An Ordinary Day at the New Headquarters"

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"W... WHO ARE YOU?!?!"
"E.... Eh... ?"

My name is Reza. One day, I lay helpless, dizzy and confused as to how I got here. I can only stare silently at the 5 local people here. One of them with an angry face because maybe my screams have disturbed him.

I also apologized to them "H... hi? I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you. I just had a bad dream. Where am I?". 1st man  replied "It's okay. Besides, it's already morning. You're at our headquarters, "Anicraft". Wel-". 2nd man  cut him off "HEY!!! What are you doing? You don't even know who he is!" At that time, 3rd man  calmed them down "heh... don't fight. I'm sorry, they are always like that."

I nodded while answering "Y... Yes, that's fine. Since I know your team's name, may I know your name? My name is Reza", 4th man  then replied "Oh yes, nice to meet you. I'm Eben." The 5th man  was holding a cell phone while saying "I'm Roman". Then it was 1st man  turn to answer "My name is Huda". "My name is Arif, just call me Blane. Woy Azuya, just introduce yourself. He's not dangerous," said the 2nd man.

3rd man sighed, then said "Alright, alright... I'm Azuya Surya. Just call me Azuya". I replied "Oh... Nice to meet you. Sorry for bothering you. How long have I been here?", Eben replied "You have been in a coma for 3 months. We just finished bringing you home. Oh yes, the doctor had time to check your abilities. You are in the No talent category".

Knowing that, made me put on a pale and listless face. I immediately got out of bed. However, my body was too lethargic to move.

I almost fell off the bed thanks to Huda who caught me and said "Reza, you just rest. We don't mind you being here". Eben thought of an idea "since you're worried that you'll be tired after your adventure, why don't you just stay here?".

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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