𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘷𝘦

Start from the beginning

"b--.." you started to say but the door slammed close. "bye." you felt the couch dip next to you causing you to turn your head. rose was sitting on the couch next to you, fiddling with the television remote. "is she okay?" you ask rose.

"hm?" rose hummed, her eyes glued to the television.

you look at the television for a moment, noticing rose browsing through movies on netflix. you had practically seen all the movies on netflix, since you had no other forms of entertainment. you loved staying up into the late hours of the night, just watching them and shoving your face full of popcorn. you brought your attention back to the question you had just asked. "debbie seemed really stressed about work? is she going to be alright?"

rose put the remote delicately on her lap before turning to you. "she's going to be okay, don't you worry. she has a work crisis at least once a week."

you ponder for a moment before realizing that you had no idea what they did for a living. you obviously knew rose and daphne's careers, but what about your own aunt's? "where do debbie and lou work?" you inquire.

you could visibly see rose hesitate. "they have a bar-- i mean they work at the bar." rose bites her lower lip. "well they own the bar and operate it." before you had the chance to ask rose anymore questions she quickly started talking. "are you hungry? you've been out for a while and it's already.." she pauses glancing at the golden watch on her dainty wrist. "five forty-five."

you shook your head slightly. "no, i'm not hungry," you said with a slight smile. usually, that's all it would take to redirect any questions.

"well, you and debbie ate breakfast around nine thirty-ish, right? she asked, although she already knew the answer. her eyebrow now arched in confusion.

you nodded. "i've just been so interested with getting moved in and stuff, i'm not really feeling that hungry." shit. you should've came up with something more convincing. 

rose liked to consider herself a human lie detector and when it came to you and food, it wouldn't stop going off. she watched your expression turn more and more nervous by the second. "honey," she whispered, "let me make you something to eat."

"no, it's okay," you respond. "there's no need to make me food."

"i'm hungry too," rose said with a small hum, standing up. she was trying to reassure you. "won't you be a dear and keep me company?" she says with a light smile. 

"okay," you said softly. you knew you were caught. but the question was what rose was going to do about it? you followed the blonde into the kitchen, taking a seat on the island while rose bent down and grabbed a pot. 

"i've been craving some stew," she explained, standing up and placing the pot on the stove. "my mother had the most delicious recipe that she passed down to me. i hope you'll like it."

you watch rose as she moved, you were anxious. "it's okay, really. i'm not hungry."

"honey, you haven't had anything to eat for eight hours," rose said with a light chuckle. "you're bound to be hungry." rose went into the fridge and started fishing out some vegetables. balancing potatoes, carrots, onions, and radishes in her arm, she closed the fridge door and brought them over to the countertop in front of the island. she pulled out a cutting board and a knife and began to peel the carrots.

"i've just been feeling really overwhelmed with the move and stuff, i don't want to make myself sick," you tried to explain but rose wouldn't have any of it.

"maybe a nice stew is just what you need," she simply said, her eyes now locking with yours. a small smile growing on her face. you let out an internal sigh, knowing there was no getting out of this.

𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙎𝙒𝙀𝙀𝙏 𝙇𝙊𝙑𝙀, 𝙤𝙘𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩Where stories live. Discover now