It's just routine

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That morning, Rebecca awoke to a very familiar voice.

"Wakey-wakey, Becky bee," the voice said playfully. It was her mischievous brother Reese, who had decided to start the day with a harmless prank. He had placed a fake spider directly on her face, causing her to scream in shock and alarm.

Reacting instinctively, Rebecca threw herself at Reese, slapping him in frustration. This led to a brief scuffle between the two siblings, their energy and emotions colliding in the confined space of their room.

Their commotion didn't go unnoticed, and soon their mother, Lois, shouted from the kitchen, "Rebecca, Reese, stop fighting and come eat!"

"But he started it!" Rebecca protested, feeling a mixture of annoyance and injustice.

"I don't care who started it," Lois retorted sternly, her voice carrying a tinge of exhaustion. "Just come eat."

Rolling her eyes at her brother's smug expression, Rebecca begrudgingly followed her mother's call, leaving behind the remnants of their playful battle.


Rebecca's daily life was already filled with the inherent chaos that comes with having four brothers.

However, recent developments had made it even more eventful. Her older brother Francis had left for military school, adding a layer of both pride and concern to the mix.

On top of that, her twin brother Malcolm had been identified as gifted and was now attending a special class, which brought both excitement and a touch of envy.

The household had seen its fair share of misadventures and calamities. Just the day before, while under Francis' supervision, Malcolm had managed to cut his forehead open, resulting in a frantic trip to the emergency room.

And on the previous Sunday, someone had accidentally burned their mother's favorite dress, leading to a thorough investigation and a few hours of grueling questioning to determine the culprit.


After the meal, with tensions from the morning skirmish still lingering, Rebecca gathered her brothers in their shared room for a much-needed discussion.

"Okay, guys, let's try to be a little more normal until Jade gets here," Rebecca ordered, her voice laced with a hint of exhaustion.

"But it's Jade, Bex. She's practically part of the family. She's used to our chaos," Malcolm protested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Reese chimed in, grinning. "Yeah, and it's not like we can turn off the crazy. It's in our DNA!"

Rebecca sighed, feeling a mix of exasperation and fondness for her brothers' quirks. "I know, but I just don't want any more incidents like the one with the seven-year-old last week."

"I didn't know he was seven!" Malcolm defended himself, his tone slightly defensive. "Besides, he was teasing me relentlessly!"

Laughter erupted in the room, breaking the tension. Even Dewey, the youngest of the siblings, couldn't help but giggle at the memory.

Rebecca couldn't help but join in the laughter, realizing the futility of her request. "Alright, alright. Maybe I'm asking for the impossible. Let's just try to tone it down a little, shall we? Especially you, Dewey. No running around naked, okay?" she said, looking directly at her youngest brother.

Dewey nodded eagerly, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Okay, sis! No promises, though!"


As the afternoon wore on, Jade, Rebecca's best friend, finally arrived, her infectious energy filling the room.

"Hi, Bex!" Jade greeted, a wide smile lighting up her face.

"Hi, JJ! Did you bring your magazines back?" Rebecca asked, eager to indulge in their shared guilty pleasure.

"Of course! And I also brought a bunch of other fun things!" Jade replied enthusiastically, as they made their way to Rebecca's room.

As the two girls entered the room, they found Reese engrossed in a game on his handheld console.

"Reese! Go away, we're going to do girl things," Rebecca declared, her tone laced with playful authority.

Reese, ever the protective and territorial older brother, responded with a mock frown. "Okay, but just don't go on my bed! Especially you!" he exclaimed, pointing a teasing finger at Jade.

Jade retorted with a playful smirk. "I'll have you know, Reese, that I have diplomatic immunity on all beds. Bex can vouch for me!"

Rebecca couldn't help but laugh, interjecting, "Yeah, Reese, Jade's right. Besides, I sleep on that bed too, you know. So, relax."

Reese huffed, trying to maintain his faux indignation. "I didn't ask you, you silly ginger!"

Jade rolled her eyes, playfully shoving Reese aside before settling down with Rebecca. The familiar banter between the siblings and the comfortable camaraderie between the best friends set the tone for an afternoon filled with laughter, gossip, and shared secrets.


Time flew by, and before they knew it, Dewey burst into the room, tears streaming down his face. Concerned, Jade immediately rushed to his side, asking him what happened.

Through his sobs, Dewey managed to explain that he had fallen and injured his knee. He lifted his small, scraped knee to show Jade, hoping for comfort and reassurance.

Rebecca, her protective instincts kicking into high gear, quickly intervened. "Oh my, Dewey, you're bleeding! Come on, let's disinfect your wound and I'll give you a lollipop afterward," she said, her voice soothing and caring.

Dewey's tears subsided as his face lit up with a mix of pain and anticipation. He knew that his sister would take care of him and make everything better, as she always did.

As Rebecca gently tended to Dewey's wound, Reese and Malcolm quietly re-entered the room, their curiosity piqued by the commotion.

"You're really good with him, Bex," Malcolm remarked, a touch of awe in his voice.

Rebecca finished applying the disinfectant and carefully placed a band-aid on Dewey's knee. She looked up at her brothers, her eyes shining with love and pride. "He's my little brother. It's my job to take care of him and make sure he's okay."

Reese, unable to resist the opportunity for a playful jab, chimed in, "Yeah, but you don't have to be so nice to him. He can be a little brat sometimes."

Dewey, who had stopped crying by now, looked up at his older brothers with a pout. "I'm not a brat!"

Rebecca laughed and ruffled Dewey's hair. "You're not a brat, Dewey. You're just a typical little brother."

Malcolm chuckled and nudged Reese. "See, even Rebecca agrees with me. You're the brat in the family, Reese."

Reese feigned offense, holding a hand to his heart dramatically. "Me? A brat? How dare you!"

The room filled with laughter as the siblings shared a light-hearted moment, their earlier squabbles forgotten. Despite their occasional fights and differences, there was an undeniable bond between them, a bond that only siblings could truly understand.

As the afternoon turned into evening, the chaotic energy of the household subsided, replaced by a warm sense of togetherness. They may have been a handful, but they were a family, navigating the ups and downs of life together, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

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