☆ 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐲 ☆

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(As a reminder:

Y/n= your first name

E/c= your eye color

F/f= favorite food

F/m = favorite music

F/s = favorite singer

D/b= your date of birth)

Tonight I will make it! I have all my chances; the moon is full, I drank more than a liter of water, I did meditation to be relaxed enough, I ate well but foods with a long digestion like pasta and bread. This time, I had to do it! So... I think I'll try shifting with the Raven Method by listening to subliminals with my headphones. But before that; let's read our script again!

After reviewing your script you sit in the "starfish" position on your bed and put on your headphones with your favorite subliminals in your ears.

After a few minutes you already start to feel symptoms such as the feeling of spinning, your heart beating faster, the feeling of being dazzled by a white light and the feeling of floating.

The more time passes and the more you feel yourself getting closer to your DR, you feel like all you have to do is fall asleep, and when you wake up, you will be in your DR.


- Y/n ? Y/n ! Wake up at last!" a female voice whispers in your ear, sounding far away from you.

- 5 more minutes mom..., you answer in a tired and weary voice.

- Haha! Always so hilarious y/n !

That voice, it sounds familiar..., I thought as I opened my eyes.

- BUT! I did it," I exclaimed as I realized where I was. I had finally made it, I had arrived in my DR, in the 2A classroom, next to Kirishima and Mina. It felt so funny to see them in real life and not in a screen... It felt really good.

- Succeeded what? Kirishima asked me, which pulled me out of my thoughts.

- Uh... I finally finished this French exercise! I just couldn't find the translation of « renaissance ». Don't worry, haha.

- Okay, if you say so. Mina replied.

- If you get stuck on an exercice don't hesitate to ask us for help. We may not be the smartest people in the world, but we're your best friends, so you can count on us if you have a problem!

So these are my best friends here. I remember writing in my script that we went to the same college but I didn't remember our relationship being that strong. But hey, it's always handy to have real friends to rely on, plus they can help me learn about the school and boarding school.

(In this universe there have always been boarding schools)

- What beautiful words Kiri! But he's right, if you need help y/n we'll always be there, she answered with a big smile.

- Thanks guys, I'm really lucky to have friends like you.

- We know, don't worry," said Mina, which made Kirishima and me laugh.

- Kirishima, Mina, y/n ! Quiet, the class is about to start, exclaimed our homeroom teacher Mr. Aizawa.
- Excuse us sir, we all three apologized at the same time.


- Finally the break! I am starving! I thought I was going to die of hunger!

- Don't worry Mina, you will finally be able to fill your stomach, Kirishima reassured her.
Y/n ? Do you know what we eat?

- I have absolutely no idea! Maybe Tenya knows? After all, he's the delegate.
Well, I'll ask him. See you guys in line!

Well, now I have to find Tenya. Where can he be? Maybe he's still in class, I think Mina told me that he's always the last one to go out, according to her, he stays there to tidy up a bit. However... I forgot to ask him how to get back to class. Since I arrived this morning I've been following them without paying attention to the way. But well, I'll manage with what I remember, anyway I have no choice.


I'm good! I finally found my way back! At least, I think so... I hope I'm in the right place. It's hard to tell since all the classes here look the same... I'll just have to go in and check it out.

As you peek through the open door you notice a male figure with disheveled purple hair leaning against the wall at the back of the classroom.

- Uh, excuse me? Do you know where we are? I think I got lost.
He's not answering you.
- Hello? Are you listening to me?
As you try to understand why this mysterious young man is not answering you, you notice something in his ear. An earphone.
Is he listening to music? That explains why he doesn't pay attention to me and why he has his eyes closed.
You decide to take off his earpiece.
- Hey! What are you doing here?!, he exclaimed
- I'm sorry! It's just that when I was talking to you you didn't answer me, then I noticed you were listening to music. So I thought that if I took off your earpiece you might finally listen to me...
- Well okay. What's so important that you have to take away my music? And by the way, who are you?
- Oh yeah, sorry! I'm y/n and I'm a 2A student in the heroic track. I needed you to find out where we are because I think I got lost. I was trying to get back to class to see if my classmate was there but I got lost on the way and ended up here.
- Oh, okay. To answer your question you're in the 2B general classroom.
- Did I totally get the wrong track?! Oh, damn it! I'm so bad at orientation. Would you mind telling me where the dining hall is? I don't have time to go back to my class now.
- I'll take you there, don't worry.
- Would you do that? Thank you so much!
- You're welcome, I had to go anyway. I still haven't eaten.
- I haven't eaten either, I'm way too hungry! Walking all over the school has exhausted me.
- Don't worry, the canteen is a 5 minute walk away, maybe even 2 minutes with your wings.
- I avoid using my wings indoors, plus it's exhausting.
- I guess.
- And at least it allows me to walk with you...

✿ Hi everyone! This is the writer of "Parallel", Itsuki. I to thank you for reading the first chapter of a long list I hope. Anyway, it's just to say a big thank you, I hope you'll like the sequel of "Parallel" and don't hesitate to submit your remarks in comments, I'll read everyone ;) ✿

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