"Oh I'm well aware"

"So what was so important it had to be confidential?" Kyoshi asked, sitting back down. "For one if you tell anyone about certain information this all goes under"

Kyoshi's facial expressions froze. "Okay, out with it then"

He explained the group he was working for, they were manipulating the abilities of the spirits, but recently they seemed to have come to a cross road, and Kyoshi was required.

"So then what's been up with the threats, demanding I was to stay away from the fire nation?" Kyohis asked. "Well like I said that's all changed as of recently" He replied. "Changed how exactly?"

"Look I won't be able to give you all the answers you demand right here"

"Then tell me what you can"

"Like I said before you have seemed to find a way to become a part of out little puzzle, and we would require someone with your abilities" He rambled on.

"For what?"

"That's as far as I can go there" Kyoshi rolled her eyes. " So you're apart of this little spirit cult-"

"We actually prefer the term gathering, scares off less new comers" He interrupted. "So your little spirit gathering needs the avatars help with some project of yours concerning the spirits that you've been messing with. Is that all correct?"

"Almost, here's the thing he wants to make you a member, wouldn't that be exciting? That's the whole hush hush of course"

"Spectacular. Where is this gathering exactly?"

"I can't tell you that yet"

"Well when you then?"

"The letter will explain everything"

"What letter?"

"Your invitation, you see this whole thing is not exactly public just yet, so invitations and even information is limited." He continued to explain.

"Is that why you were setting fires, and causing disturbances around town?"

"Hey, that wasn't me, it's not like I'm in charge." He defended.

"So if I was to accept this invitation, when would I be expecting it? If this is all so secret and stuff. I'd imagine you would want me to be the only one to have access to this letter."

"The day after tomorrow I believe"

"You believe?"

"Around day break to be exact, yes."


"Anything else?" Kyoshi asked one last time before standing up. "No not that I can think of, other than if you do accept this outstanding opportunity you no one else can be involved. If you show up with hot stuff or anyone else, your out"

"Alright then"

"So I don't even get to know whether you'll except it or not"


"Fine, after the whole hour of questions I don't get one. That seems fair. But okay. Just remember this stays hush hush. Or He will make sure everything will finally crumble the way it should have."

"Who's he exactly?" Kyohsi asked, turning her head to face the man once more. "I don't get my questioned answered neither do you"

"Fine." She said, finally leaving the room.

She didn't know why the man had been acting so differently than the night before. But if there was the connection to the spirits like she sensed last night she couldn't risk telling him any of her plans she didn't know if he was communicating even from here. It would be safer to have some information unknown.

She walked out of the room, and was immediately greeted by Rangi. "So..."

"He had some useful information," Kyoshi said, as Rangi gestured for her to follow.

"Your makeup smudged by the way" Rangi commented as they walked out into a courtyard. "You're lying-" Kyoshi said quickly, waking over to a pond to try and catch her reflection.

"He probably thought I was crazy" She said, using her sleeve to wipe off the partially done make up. "At least you didn't add the white base, and stop using your robes to wipe it off." She ordered Kyoshi's sleeve from her face. "Come on, you can tell me more once we get it off"

"I can do this myself you know" Kyoshi said as she watched Rangi ring out a damp rag once they were back inside. "You always miss a spot"

"That's because you always-" the coughing started up again before she could continue. "That's because you're always here," Kyoshi finished. Rangi laughed to herself as she started to wipe the remainder of the makeup off.

The make up makes her happy, Rangi reminded herself. She always prefered being able to see Kyoshi's face without the Dao foi makeup, but it made her happy. It made her feel strong. Though that didn't take away fromt he fact that Rangi loved Kyoshi's freckles that covered her like the stars.

"You're staring," Kyoshi said, breaking her train of thought. "So about what he said"

Kyoshi paused for a moment remembering everything he had said not so long ago. "There's this spirit cult like thing, they're the group that has been behind all the attacks, and stuff around town." She said carefully. "Did he say anything more about the spirits, like how they could be connected?" Rangi asked.

She thought for a moment, Kyoshi didn't know if keeping Rangi in the dark was a good thing like the man had said. Should she tell her that she was somehow a piece to their whole little project? That there was a letter arriving the day after tomorrow at dawn that would invite her to join.

"No he wouldn't tell me anything else '' She said finally. Rangi looked disappointed. "You tried I guess, at least we know that it's connected to the spirits. So that's not a dead end, that's good I suppose"

"Yeah, maybe he'll talk more later."

I don't think I'll ever stop apologizing for the posting delays, however my final exams are over in about two weeks so I should be able to keep a better schedule after that. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed❤️

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