chapter one

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Darkness. He became a familiar friend over time. It was quite sad that I had no choice but to embrace it since it felt like it was all life decided offered to me. That was at least until I met her.

Merlin, Y/N. Open any Greek mythology book and you would see her perfectly described as the goddess Aphrodite. She was perfect in every way possible, even if I felt like she never had her eyes on me. I had to sit back and watch her run around with my best friend all through fifth year, and then hear them constantly fight through sixth year because she supposedly had feelings for him in fifth year, toying with her feelings as she wanted to feel the same but could never reciprocate. The situation I was placed in was rather awkward, but I would remain in it if it meant I had a chance, even if it was just a small chance.

And now, we sit in silence, in a small compartment on the Hogwarts Express. I could tell I was sitting next to Y/N, the smells of vanilla and honey radiated off of her like the rays of the Sun, two smells I've learned to love over the years. Sebastian sat across from us as I could hear him aggressively turn pages of a book.

"How was your summer, Y/N?" I whispered over to her, deciding to finally break the silence.

"It was quite lovely, I spent it with Sebastian in Feldcroft." She said softly before I could hear Sebastian shut his book.

"It was utter shit." Sebastian groaned at her comment.

"Then why would you invite me, you ass!"

Oh boy, here we go.

"We literally just got on the train, can you two not fight already.." I pleaded, sighing at what was already occurring.

"Well can you tell her-"

"I will not tell her anything, Sebastian"

"Well tell him-"

"Neither will I tell him anything, Y/N. We are all basically adults here, and we will act like adults.." I scolded them as I heard Y/N huff in disapprovement. I could hear shuffle as the sliding door opened then shut closed. "..Sebastian left didn't he?"

"Yes, he did," Y/N sighed. Her presence started to feel like it was coming closer with the sounds of small sniffles coming around us.

"Y/N.." Sniffles always meant she was about to cry. She always turned to me in times like this, always. At this point, I was a master at taking care of her when her emotions got the best of her. Her face was now on my chest, sending shivers down my spine as I started to rub circles on her back. "It's okay.. He'll come back around again."

"I don't understand him anymore!" she sobbed. "He's so hot and cold, I'm over it!" I knew I was about to be in for one, knowing she was going to say things that would boil my blood, but I knew I had to listen to her get everything off her chest. "I thought we were making progress, but I guess not."

"It's okay, like I said he'll come around. He does this a lot."

"I wish we wouldn't dismiss this as okay, Ominis. It's not okay."

"I know that, but I cannot help how he is. You know this."

I could feel her nodding in understanding followed by.. nuzzling into my chest? I felt myself laying back as she made herself more comfortable on my chest.

"Do you mind if I take a nap?" My heart skipped a beat, several at that.

"Go ahead." I said, smiling down at her. She truly had no idea of the affects she had on me, and that this small innocent interaction was making me melt under her. My arm wrapped around her slumbering body as I tried my best to stay still and quiet.


Her voice was so soft, it was hard to not pay attention to her, but I didn't look down at her as I continued to look anywhere but her.


"Thank you.." She wrapped an arm around my torso, a blush rushing onto my face as I assumed she was now going to try and get some sleep.

And it was at that moment, I knew I had to tell her my feelings this year.. at some point..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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