Chapter 58: The Armor

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Din unholsters his blaster to shoot it, but he's stopped by Paz. "No blasters," Paz commands. "It will kill the child." Din nods and looks to Paz for further instructions. "Follow it to its lair."

Din turns to Astra and holds her face between his hands. "Stay here and protect the kids," he instructs. His helmet rests against her forehead. "I'll be back."

Astra knows better than to argue with him. When it comes to the safety of any child, there's no way to talk him out of it. She just nods and squeezes one of his wrists. "Ni kar'tayl—."

"—Gar darasuum." Din forces himself to step away as he finishes her phrase. He stays in close pursuit of Paz as he activates his jetpack and follows the creatures, with other Mandalorians trailing.

Astra swallows back her worries for him as she instead focuses on their children. Zora's whimpering against her shoulder and Astra soothes her with soft coos and a kiss to her head. Astra kneels down to Grogu's height and runs her fingers along his ear. "It'll be okay," Astra assures both of them. "Your father's gonna help get him back."

Bo-Katan has since disappeared from Astra's side, but she's surprised to find the Armorer kneeling alongside her to help Grogu remove the training darts from his arm. "You did well, Grogu," the Armorer praises the little one. Grogu coos with delight at her words.

"Thank you for your help," Astra says, nodding at the Armorer.

The sound of a ship taking off keeps Astra from adding more. She lifts her head to see the Gauntlet following the raptor's path. The thought of Bo-Katan bringing her ship puts more of Astra's mind at ease. Din would be much safer within the Gauntlet than he would with just his jetpack. She can only hope that he'll come to the same realization.

"All right, Grogu," Astra begins with a soft breath. She gestures to the yellow stains on his robe. "Let's get you cleaned up." Astra pauses and glances at the Armorer again. "There aren't more of those creatures, are there?"

The Armorer shakes her helmet. "Not that we have seen."

Astra nods, smiling with relief as she stands and urges Grogu to follow her. She walks at his pace to the shore where they sat before. Zora's already taken a new interest in the rock-like creatures as Astra sets her down and focuses on Grogu. Astra dips her hand into the waters and scrubs at Grogu's robe. "Your father and I are really proud of you," Astra tells Grogu with a fond smile. His large eyes sparkle as he listens to her. "You followed through with this challenge and you did it with respect." She grins and kisses his head. "You're well on your way to becoming an incredible Mandalorian warrior."

Grogu coos and reaches for one of Astra's hands. He takes it and hugs her fingers against his cheek, his eyes closing with joyful content. Astra's chest goes aflame with the warmth of maternal love and lets it last even when Grogu pulls away and joins in his sister's play.

Astra lets her children distract her while she waits for Din's return, even playing with them for a while as they toss the sand around and splash in the edge of the water. She only stops when she sees a group of Mandalorians returning from where they'd flown, though they're on foot now rather than in the air. Astra's heartbeat settles only when the sun reflects off the silver beskar that stands out from the rest of the group.

Din's quick in approaching them, allowing Astra to stay near their children as she stands to her feet. She looks behind him for a moment to notice that none of them are with the missing child. "How'd it go?" Astra asks once Din's standing in front of her.

Din gives his helmet a shake. "Not well," he answers, his voice low. Astra sets a hand upon his cuirass for comfort. "Our jetpacks ran out of fuel." He gestures with his helmet to the place from which they arrived. "Bo-Katan's pursuing them in her ship, though. Hopefully she'll return with better news."

𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 - DIN DJARINKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat