- We've Landed -

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||Scarle POV||

We have entered Earth's atmosphere, and just like Aster said, it was a pain. We're about to land! Wait a minute, there's something falling from the sky. No not something... Someone! "REN STOP!" I yelled, and he stopped "What happened Scarle?!" He asked, and Aster waking up from a nap said "What happened? Are we there yet?" "Someone's falling!" "Huh Really?! Where?" Ren asked, I point outside the windshield of the spaceship, and we see a girl getting closer.


She hit the spaceship. She was already unconscious before landing so she might not feel the pain right now, but we still have to help her. Ren quickly lands the ship, and we run out to make sure she's okay before she slips of the ship and hits the ground. "Hey are you okay?!" Ren asked the still unconscious girl waiting for an answer. "Ren she's not awake yet." "Well- uh... I knew that!" Ren laughs away the embarrassment. I walk up to the girl to look for any marks, and to my surprise there weren't any, that were visible that is.

"Mm..." The girl started waking up "Woah, she's waking up." She opened her eyes slowly and took a while to process her situation, I back up a little bit "Are you... okay?" She doesn't answer, but instead she started to panic "Wha- Wait a minute... WHERE AM I?!" "Hey uh- calm down, okay? Just breathe." Ren tried comforting the girl and calm down she did. "Okay, so where am I?" She kept her distance from us since she didn't really know us either "You're..." Aster started the explanation, but we didn't know where we were either, and she was clearly asking for a specific location, she obviously wouldn't accept the answer 'you're on earth'.

||Third person POV||

"...Hello? Where am I?" The girl said again, but sassier "Well um- we don't exactly know where this is..." Scarle explained, "Then why are you guys here?!" She continued to question the trio, "We're exploring!" Ren exclaimed. The girl looked up at Ren and stared.

"Are those real...?" She seems to be referring to his horns "Yeah! They're real," Ren didn't seem to understand the fact that horns aren't really normal on planets that aren't his own. After a few seconds the girl spoke up, "Explain to me where this is and maybe I won't have to meet you in the Denny's parking lot." the trio looked at each other in confusion and Ren replied, "Excuse me?" And the girl just rolled her eyes. "Just tell me where I am," She demanded an explanation, "I don't care what the answer is just tell me where."

"We uhm.... don't know. We aren't from this planet..." Ren tried to explain in the calmest way possible, and the girl actually seemed to take that information well! On the outside that is... On the inside she was something like...


"I see..." She stood up and dusted herself off "So do you know what planet this is, since you're not from here?" And Ren seemed to be answering all the questions she has "We're on earth." Aia started to rant quietly to herself, "So the archangel sent me to Earth? But why? I know he said it'd help me, but none of this is working! That's absurd and the amount of stupidity these people seem to have is crazy. Why here? Why earth? There's no academy in sight, so why did he say those things...?" She continued to ramble on and Scarle stood close listening to her, even though she didn't understand much.

Scarle interrupted Aia at her next pause before she could continue, "Ma'am if you don't mind me asking, why did you fall from the sky?" She looked at her and shook her head "Oh that! Well, I have no reason to tell you." Aster walked up to her "Then what's your name?" The girl looked at Aster and said, "I am Aia Amare."

After the girl introduced herself, she asked the three strangers to introduce themselves. After a while, Aia tried to leave on her own, she did not trust the three pretty people she just met, and she was quite freaked out by Ren, not everyone she met had horns. Although she didn't believe they were real, she just thought he was weird, and the other planet thing? Aia's from heaven so maybe it's true. But Scarle stopped Aia from leaving and grabbed her wrist, "Where are you going?" Aia almost kicked Scarle in the ankle from the sudden action but refrained from doing so. "I'm leaving, I have no business with any of you." She shook her hand off of her and turned away, but Scarle wasn't letting her go on her own after she just seen her fall from the sky and survive, "You can't just leave after falling from the sky!" "So, I'm supposed to trust a bunch of randos I just met? Yeah, no" She continued to walk away from the three.

"Do you know your way around here?" Scarle and Aster walked behind her, and Ren was making sure the ship isn't in sight. "I'm sure I'll be fine even if I don't." "Well then let us stick with you!" Aster suggested, catching up to her side. "Just don't bother me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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