🍎Can't be split<3 🥀❤️💝

Start from the beginning

As you walked through the maze that was Howdy's Bugdega, you found more of what you were looking for. But the rope was too suspicious, you couldn't buy that, just the things you said you would come in for. The crowbar you grabbed was pink in color, blue as well, it was bright and cute, buying this would make sense for you, and the bat you brought was on the smaller end too, just something heavy enough to break a window with. Perfectly cute, perfect to bash in Home's front door. As you walked up and placed the items you grabbed glitter glue and stickers, was it a lot? Maybe? Was it convincing? Oh yes, it was.

"Great, and I'm assuming you will be making another one of those origami animals? The big frog you made was cool!" You nodded, "Yup! This time it's a butterfly thought you might like that." he laughed and went back to his previous while you quickly and carefully folded until the butterfly looked convincing and handed it to Howdy as he placed your things in a paper bag for you. You took it and thanked him, making a beeline to the door, but before you fully reached it you heard "Have a nice day y/n, tell Wally I said hi!" you grimaced, before turning back to him and smiling "I sure will!" and you headed outside. You would save him, you could save him, you WILL save him.

As you rushed out back to your house you became hyper-aware of the time and home didn't seem to be looking at you anymore, his eyes were tracking something going on inside of the house. The hairs stood up on the back of your neck, as you heard home's creaking, it worried you. Everything was bothering you, it's like you were hyperaware of everything going around you, the way the forest was so thick and full you were basically trapped, the whole thing overwhelmed you but you knew all would be fine in just a few hours, go to bed, alarm set for 10 pm, change clothes, pack newly brought items, break-in, save your boyfriend. Though it was hard you closed your blinds, eyes, and door, moving your phone closer to your nightstand as you tried so desperately to sleep. But part of you prayed you would wake up to Wally calling you again, with his unique cadence. His stagnant laugh, the way he would greet you with all the warmth he could muster. The strange things he did like stare for uncomfortably long, you just hoped and wished he was ok.

Then it was night, it felt as if you blinked and the sun had set, looking around you, you noticed the strange landscape around your home, you were floating in some sort of distorted void. It was fuzzy, like if you looked too long you may permanently be sucked into it. And as you opened your room door, you were met with that same void, and a familiar face, no, structure. Don't interfere, it boomed through your eardrums like thunder, but you didn't even see anything move. No mouth, no swing of it's door, no, it was in your head. Not in the hallucination or hearing things crazy way, no, it was like it was speaking into your scull. When you finally opened your mouth to speak, the void became pitch black the only thing you could see was a wavering figure, surrounded by the same darkness you were in. It was caged? there was a distinct red birdcage around it, what was it anyway?

As you looked closer you noticed a more familiar figure, hair limp and disheveled, it looked like it's arm was bleeding. Wait, no, you knew who this was "Wally!?" He turned to see the source of the voice, he looked depressing, silent tears rolling down his cheeks, but the realization of who you were sent him into a panic. When you reached out, you were awake, back in your room. Alone, no void, no Wally. The minute you were up your alarm began. You fell off the bed, quickly slamming the clock off, before you dashed to your blinds and opened them, home's blinds were drawn, you couldn't see its looming eyes anymore, and it gave you such a wave of relief. But you couldn't let yourself become complacent with this, you had to move, take action. Knowing what you knew, it was too real, to vivid to be a dream.

You grabbed your darkest and most mobile outfit you owned, taking your hiking shoes and grabbing all of your materials and the bag. You found yourself glancing between your phone and the window that gave you perfect view of home. This was going to be one of your craziest ideas, but all for a good cause. Making sure you never see Wally that distressed ever again. As you carefully and quietly crept out of your own house, you crept into the yard that home occupied. Before you took out your crowbar, slowly and carefully wedging it between the door and it's frame, before creating a bit of tension and raising up your leg, swiftly slamming your foot to it, causing the door to come open, and home to be alerted of your presence. You grabbed your oddly colored tool and ran inside, only for the door to slam behind you and you were met with that familiar black and red void. As you ran up the stairs you could feel home close every door and shake it's steps, but as many times as you tripped your resolve stayed true.

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