Massacres and happy memories

Start from the beginning

Pottering '77

Pottering '77-Lily

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Teddy '77

Regulus '77-Theodora

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Regulus '77

Teddy's perspective

Coming back to Hogwarts after Christmas felt strange...different. It was like we'd been living in our own perfect bubble over the holidays and we all seemingly forgot about the war happening outside our bubble. Everyone else hadn't. On New Year's Eve there was an attack on a wizarding village. 135 wizards and witches were attacked 12 kidnapped and 27 killed. Many of these were parents, relatives, friends and loved ones of students.

On January 2nd when we returned to Hogwarts memorials were held in honour of everyone passed, lost and injured.
All house rivalries were abandoned. Even Slytherins. Emma Vanity, captain of the Slytherin quidditch team died defending her Hufflepuff half-blood boyfriend. This single act of love and her horrible death united us as a school.
Common rooms were hushed. Muffled sobs and falling tears filled hallways and classrooms alike.

I think this was the first time we all realised the magnitude of this war. No one was safe. I think mostly we all felt...powerless. we wanted to do something, to fight. No one wanted this to happen again, ever.
Unfortunately this would be one of many similar attacks. We were angry, young and rowdy and wanting to end this suffering.

On the morning of January 21st we were called into McGonagall's office. James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Alice, Frank and I. For the first time in possibly our entire school lives we weren't called here for a stupid prank or a fight or sneaking out.
"I understand your frustration." She said solemnly, her faced was sunken and hair greying rapidly. She looked exhausted.
"No one wants this war to stop more than me, this is why I've called you here this morning."
"What can we do?" James said immediately practically jumping from his seat to run off to war.
"You are all far too young to be sent out to fight, but, Professor Dumbledore and I believe you are our best hope of defeating You Know Who. We want you to start a...dueling club of sorts."
"A DUELING CLUB ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!" Sirius exclaimed suddenly jumping from his seat with steam practically flowing from his ears.
"Calm down Mr. black! I understand you may think this a silly idea, but we've seen all of your prowess in defence against the dark arts in particular. As much as I hate to say it your planning and execution of idiotic pranks could be just what we need. We cannot condone a club training young people to fight a war... Most certainly not endorse it. But if you were to start a secret the room of requirement perhaps...I don't believe anyone could object."
"So you want us to start a secret fight club! To train for war, planning and execution of missions to capture and kill death eaters?" Remus said grimly. Seemingly not too thrilled by this idea.
"Most certainly not Mr Lupin. But we won't stop you creating one yourselves. It is completely your choice. But I will say this. In a year and a half you will no longer be students at Hogwarts. You will no longer have our protection, and nor will any of your classmates. If you intend to survive in the world outside of this school I would suggest some serious...studying."
"Thank you all, you are excused."

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