Igarashi let out a battle cry as he bolted towards the herd of lambs, the football acting like a rifle a hunter would carry. You bit your lip nervously as you gently placed a hand on the boy's shoulder for support as you watched the scene unfold in front of you. The way Isagi, blond lamb, and the two shorter ones all crowded into a corner. It really was a poor strategy. You couldn't help but nod along with the shouts of the angry blond. Although he wanted to move away from the group, he couldn't force himself to yet. It would make him too vulnerable. Easy picking. Igarashi grinned maliciously as he ran towards his prey.

"Sorry, Isagi! Im coming for you, Mr. 299!"

Isagi looked like a deer in headlights at the sound of his name dripping out of Igarashi's mouth. His blue eyes shrinking as he stood there, petrified. The other two shorter boys gradually moved away from the lamb that was deemed most dangerous in their situation. The tall blond boy just waited, anxiously for his chance to run off. To get away from the herd. Isagi felt himself feeling trapped, helpless as the ball approached him. He just stood there, watching as the predator approached his prey. You grimaced at the sight. Was the weakest lamb really gonna devour the one you had already claimed? You took another glance at the timer. Surely not.

"O' Great Buddha!"

And with that Igarashi launched the ball towards Isagi. Seeing the ball flying towards him snapped him out of his trance like state. Reacting quickly Isagi jumped out of the way. The ball smacking itself against the wall as the other lambs ran off, taking this chance to get as far as they can. Isagi's blue eyes stared at the football that nearly hit him, just a few inches from him. Letting out a loud 'whoa!?' as he ran off from the ball, leaving Igarashi to chase after it. Igarashi whined about how hard it was as the other lambs bolted away at the sight of the approaching football. There was no cover for a predator in this room. You shifted your gaze towards Kira and Isagi. Seemingly Kira had stopped him to rant about Ego's words. You glared at the moron, he was practically asking for Isagi to get hit with the ball. Igarashi had declared him his prey after all, and you're making him stand still out in the open? Princely act my ass.

Your attention snapped back towards Igarashi as he completely missed another shot at the two blonds. Your eyes trailing the panicking boy like a hawk stalking its prey. Your heart dropped. The ball rolled its way to you and the sleeping boy's direction. You scowled at the boy as his eyes lit up. He excitedly ran over to the two of you as he let out a relieved laugh before he shouted about the bumble bee boy still being asleep. You bit your lip. You glanced down at him. You could let him get disqualified and ensure your safety, but would it be fair?

I mean it is his fault for sleeping but at the same time, he wouldn't really have a chance to fight back. Ugh, you son of a bitch. You're gonna owe me for this!

You groaned as you shot up from the boy and ran towards the ball. Isagi and Kira mumbled your name slacked jaw as everyone watched your foolish act of 'heroism'. Igarashi only stared at you wide eyed as you tried to get the ball before him. Sadly he had beaten you to it and launched a kick towards it. You grit your teeth as you turned to look at the football, praying it didn't hit the sleeping boy. You stiffened up, your eyes growing wide as a foot flew past you and connected with Igarashi's face. Your (h/c) hair moving from the force that came with that kick. Blood flew freely from Igarashi's face as he let out a cry of pain. Had you been an inch closer to the boy you would've got struck instead. Your wide eyes snapped down towards the sleepy boy who now did a handstand. The ball rolling past him as he stood fully now. Igarashi taking steps back as he wiped blood from his face.

"That hurts... HEY! That's a foul! A FOUL!"

The boy let out a yawn and strange 'munya~' sound as he rubbed the sleep free from his eyes. Bright friendly looking yellow eyes lazily looked towards the other lambs in the room. You could feel your eye twitch at the sight of this. Ignoring the fact that it was cute how he looked, you were just simply pissed that now he decided to wake up and not during the time you took trying to wake him up.

Lambs - Blue Lock x f. Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now