"(Last name) Hionami, it's a pleasure to meet you..." you trailed off as you stuck your small delicate hand out for him to shake. He glanced back at you and then down at your hand.

It had gotten easier to say his name.

"Kunigami Rensuke, it's nice to meet you." Kunigami introduced as he gently gripped your much smaller hand into his. Shaking it lightly because he felt as though it would break from being within his grasp. They're soft. That was all that rang through his head as he let go.

"Y'know, you're a really cool guy Kunigami!" You smiled at him as you hugged your bag. The bus had finally stopped at your guys destination and you couldn't wait to get up. His eyes widen as he quickly turned his head while also rising up. A slight blush had danced its way back onto his face upon hearing that.

What made you say that!? His brain raced with thoughts as the bus rocked from the eager boys walking and jumping off the vehicle.

Was it cause he was nice enough to help you calm down? Surely not, it was common sense after all. At least he thought so. You stood up abruptly, excited to get out of this mini moving jail cell and onto the sweet solid ground. Unfortunately, even though you had calmed yourself down, your legs still were jello. Not only from the stress you had been under but the fact you had been sitting there for what felt like hours.

"Ah-" was all that escaped your mouth as you bumped into your new companion. He stiffened before quickly turning over to you to check if you were alright. Embarrassment flushed over your features as you gripped onto the seats while you stomped one leg on the bus's floor. It was clearly shaking. You were trying your best to avoid making eye contact, it was obvious. A smile slowly made its way onto his face as he saw the red tipped ears and slight shade of pink your neck now had. Your (h/c) locks were covering your face as you looked down at the ground focusing on your legs.

"S..Sorry... My legs seemed to have fallen asleep.." you mumbled as you puffed out your cheeks. An irritated look on your face as you lifted your head and avoided eye contact. Man, you truly sucked at first impressions.

"It's alright, come on. I'll help you out," Kunigami said as he took a slight step in your direction and reached a hand out for you to grab.

You quickly shook your head 'no' as you grabbed your bag. Suddenly you couldn't wait to get off of this bus. You even contemplated hopping the seats if it meant you could get away from Kungigami. He was just, too sweet! The way he practically glowed in your eyes with his offer and care! You only flushed more at the acts of chivalry he had done. Yet it was hardly any!

"N...no! Truly, it's fine! I... I'm okay, now can we please just get off!" You squeaked out as your (e/c) eyes darted around frantically, anywhere to avoid looking at him.
He couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the sight of your embarrassed form. It was so, adorable. So comedic. Nodding, he walked down the aisle with you hurrying behind, bag clutched in your arms.

Ah, our phones and wallets are being confiscated. You hummed at the sight. You quickly snatched both desired objects from your bag as you made your way into line. The thought of no one being able to reach you comforted and scared you, of course you were safe. Right? Yes, of course you were. It was just the thought of you getting busted for doing such a stupid, arrogant, crazy scheme. Also stealing your brothers place!? Oh man, you were sure your parents would disown you if they even knew.

Lambs - Blue Lock x f. Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now