four months later.

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"Alright I'll see you on Monday." June March closed her locker, pulling her backpack onto her shoulder as she started towards the school exit. She sent one more smile over her shoukd as she walked away from Erika Harris from 4th period, June relieved that school was over for the day.

The consequences after her disappearances had come back to bite her in the ass, and  she had only just now caught up in missing work in all of her classes. Not to mention the principal was eyeing summer school, but at this point she would do whatever she had to to get back on track.

She pushed the doors open, the skirt of her uniform inching up her thigh, leading her to look down and fix it. In the process of this she checked the time as well, knowing she had about an hour before her appointment. Her therapy appointment. June looked back up and felt a jolt in her heart,  her eyes widening when she realized who was standing not even 20 feet from her.

Her mouth dropped open and she hurried towards the black car parked at the edge of the sidewalk, her head turning left and right as she looked to make sure no one was witnessing this.

"What the hell did I tell you about pulling up this close to the school?" Rafe Cameron lifted his hands in surrender as she grabbed him by the sleeve, pulling him around to the drivers side of the car instead of where he had been leaning on the other side. "Get in—get in the car."

She pulled his car door open, shoving him towards the door and then shaking her head as she rounded the other side and got in. He was snickering at her harshness, the girl punching him the second she got into the car and settled.

"I told you—"

"I know what you told me. I just wanted to see how you'd react." He shrugged, June rolling her eyes at his admittance of trying to get a rise out of her. He watch as her blood boiled and then he reached across the center console, dropping a hand on her thigh and making her eyes instantly follow it. "Relax...nobody was around. And besides...I kind of like being your little secret."

"It's not that you're a secret, it's just that everyone I know hates you." June grabbed his fingers and threw his hand back across the console, Rafe not letting this bruise his ego. He put the car into drive, starting down the street and towards their destination.  They sat in silence for a few minutes, June pulling the visor down and applying chapstick in the mirror.

"So how was school today sweetie?"  June let out an unamused hum at his question, rubbing her lip together before answering him.

"It was alright dad. Thanks for asking."

"Don't think I don't like that." She groaned as she closed the visor, shaking her head as a disgusted look covered her face.

"God you can be so gross sometimes." He laughed again and she actually shared in the laughter, the air between them rather light. Rafe pulled up to the building and parked the car in the lot, his eyes dropping to the clock on the radio and then shifting to June who was looking out the window. "What did you say Dr. Michael was talking about last time?"

June had made good on her promise to Ward, Rafe had been attending therapy sessions for the past 3 months now. In an effort to better herself and to make sure he actually went, she had managed to schedule her own appointments at the same time with a different doctor, hence the carpooling. Pride was an understatement when she looked at him, whatever the feeling was making her beam with it. It was rather healing to see bits and pieces of the old Rafe now. She no longer worried for her safety around him, at least not here lately, he had regained her trust to the extent that her cautionary heart would allow. And the snarky, irritatingly charming asshole she used to know had made a reappearance, something that helped a lot in her own journey.

I MISS YOU, IM SORRY  ↳ JJ MAYBANK | 3.5Where stories live. Discover now