First Day

928 25 26


Seoul, South Korea

Yumi's pov

I woke up at the beeping of my alarm. The sun hasn't fully raised. Waking up at six isn't easy at all. Sure I have a lot of time before my working hours starts, that is at nine. But I want to make a proper morning routine, which I'm planning to be like:

Wake up at 6
Gym: 6:15 - 7:15
Back home by 7:30
Shower, and get ready and have breakfast by 8:30
Which leave me with 30 mins before working hours starts, which is enough for me to take a calm and slow walk to the company.

I got up and made a quick run to bathroom. Changing into my gym attire, I grabbed everything necessary and went to the gym which I got a membership yesterday.

 Changing into my gym attire, I grabbed everything necessary and went to the gym which I got a membership yesterday

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This gym had a separate sections for womens. Settings my things down, I get to work. I have been working on my glutes and chest for some time. But no results.

Guess I only have my mom's genes.

When I was done with my workout, I went back to my apartment. After taking a shower and having breakfast I changed into my formal wear.

 After taking a shower and having breakfast I changed into my formal wear

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I still had some time. So I decided to update my diary about my life recently.

My life has been a lot exciting lately. A lot, I mean A LOT have happened. From a stay to their manager. Crazy right. But yeah, it's true. And today I'm starting my journey as STRAYKIDS MANAGER. Wish me luck.

Grabbing my things, I walked out of my apartment. I knocked on their dorm room door and waited, but no one opened.

Guess they're already in the company.

Connecting my air pods, listening my favorite skz playlist, I walked to the company.

Third person's pov

The 8 guys were waiting for the arrival of their new manager.

"Guys we'll hide here. In case if we need to run back to practice room, it will be easier from here. But we'll also get a good view of the front door and desk from here." Chan once again reminded them of the plan.

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