Solomon and Barbatos fanfic Oneshot(Kill me)

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Solomon and Barbatos went out on a mission on Diavolo's orders, they had to retrieve a super rare flower named Whispering Iris, which is beneficial for making powerful potions. They had to retrieve it from an underground dungeon out in the forest. Solomon and Barbatos are on bad terms. Barbatos dislikes Solomon, and Solomon can't comprehend why there would be a conflict between them. They arrived at the underground dungeon. They proceeded to enter, and as they did the entrance closed in on them. The dungeon's entrance is enchanted with magic so they can't get out unless they find another way out.

Barbatos scowled at Solomon ''I can't believe that you fell for that, and now we are forced to find another way out. Truly unprofessional.''

Solomon answered defiantly ''Well if you knew you could have told me, but you didn't so that meant that you were unaware too, so much for Diavolo's right hand.''

They glared at each other for a while until they decided to quickly find the flower and then find a way out of the underground dungeon, for that is the only way to be free from each other. They went deeper underground and after a while, they located the flower. The flower was a delicate crescent-shaped flower, with petals as thin and pale as the moon's glow and tinged with a soft ethereal pink hue. The flower sprouts from the surface of a smooth grey stone, its long and slender stems coiling their way down into the murky water below. A few stray drops of water bead on the petals, each one reflecting the faint glow of the mushrooms growing on the walls. The flower stands out sharply against the darkness of the stone it grows from, seemingly a beacon of light and hope in the gloomy dungeon. Stricken by the flower's beauty, Barbatos did not hesitate to pick up the flower, and when he did flower sprayed a scent as its defense mechanism, there was not enough time for Solomon to warn Barbatos about the flower's poisonous scent, and they both ended up inhaling the poison.

''What did we just inhale'' Barbatos asked.

''The flower's scent works as aphrodisiac it makes the people who inhale it very lustful and prevents us from using our powers''.

Solomon explained while shaking his head.

''Well, we better get out of her-''.

Before Barbatos could finish his sentence, he could feel the heat rushing through his body.

''let me guess you are already feeling the effects of the flower, because so am I''. Solomon stated.

His body was also heating up due to the poison. They start feeling attracted to each other due to lust and must distance themselves before the temptations take over. They kept looking around trying to find another way out, but the aphrodisiac was making it difficult for them to search properly.

Barbatos reverted to his demon form not able to gain enough energy to withhold his human form. He slumped over not able to resist the aphrodisiac.

Solomon's body felt unbearable, his breath quickened seems like Solomon had also reached his limit.

''H-hey since we are stuck here, we might as well satisfy each other, since we are stuck here there is no other way to reduce the effects of the aphrodisiac''.

Solomon explained as he got closer to Barbatos.

''Stay away I do not wish to have intercourse with a fiend like you''.

''Come on it's only us here if we keep it between us, it will be fine''.

Solomon unbuttoned Barbatos's shirt and fondled his chest. Barbatos could not scold him, or resist, let alone think straight. Normally he would have resisted him by force, but he was overcome with lust, the heat was too much to handle. Solomon's hands moved down to Barbatos's pants, feeling the smooth texture of the fabric as they moved. The touch of his hands caused Barbatos to arch his back, a soft moan escaping his lips. Solomon unbuttoned Barbatos's pants and was met with a hard erection, he then grabs Barbatos's penis and gently strokes it. He watched as Barbatos's penis was twitching and overflowing in precum. Solomon took out his penis and rubbed it together with Barbatos's penis. The touch of Solomon's hands sent shivers down Barbatos' spine, his body reacting in ecstasy as the pleasure overwhelmed him. He clutched at the ground, his moans escaping from his lips as he surrendered to the intoxicating sensation. Solomon continued to stroke their penises until they were both consumed by a wave of pleasure and desire. Their bodies quivered and shook as they climaxed. They were trying to catch their breath as their bodies still trembled with pleasure. Just as their gasping breaths began to slow, a wave of lust washed over them once more, reigniting the desire that had been temporarily quenched.
They had expected that the heat would subdue but they had inhaled way too much of the flower's poison.

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