Who are these guys... Probably Diggy came nearly everyday and Prince came twice, just to see me hurt.

Nicki- Mom, can you describe them?

Mom- The one that came only twice was light-skinned brownish-gold and he had a short-cut. Then the one that came nearly everyday had a BIG Afro and looked mix. I think he was one of those four boys that I invited to your party.

Nicki- MY PARTY!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!! I missed my own birthday!!!! I'm now officially 16....

Mom- It's okay... I will have a welcome back and your party will be resumed. I just postponed it until you get better. It'll be easy because we still have the supplies from when we were setting up before. Good thing we didn't order the food.

Nicki- Wait... Wait... Wait... Hold on.... You said the one with the Afro came nearly everyday?

Mom- Yeah...


Mom- No... But he did leave some flowers... How sweet... : ) And they're Pink and Red roses. Do you know how expensive those are?

Nicki- Mom... I need some time to think...

Mom- What do you want me to do?

Nicki- Leave out for some mins...

Mom- Okay... But if you need to think of which boy to choose, if it is one of those situations, I recommend him...

Nicki- *mumbles* No you don't...

Mom- And why not?

Nicki- We have bad chemistry...


Nicki- Waiting on what?

Mom- A mom and daughter talk with you... I was starting to get worried that you were going the other direction if you know what I mean...

Nicki- -__- Really mom....

Mom- But anyways... Tell me about your history between both guys...

Nicki- I really don't wan- *gco*

Mom- Tell me now... That's final. -___-

Nicki- Well dang, alright I will... Long as you promise not to do anything that will cause chaos.

Mom- I promise... Pinky?

Nicki- : ) You're so childish...

Mom- I'm only 17 gosh...

Nicki- Mom... -__- Don't even...

Mom- Whatever... Now tell me....

Hold on... Honestly, it feels good to have my mom on my side and supporting me. Did it really take me almost dying for her to realize that I'm her daughter? But, it feels great to actually smile, laugh, and have a good time with my mom. Even though I'm in a hospital bed...

Nicki- Well.... (continues on)

A/N: Do I really need to explain that whole thing?

~~After she was done explaining the WHOLE thing~~

Mom- Oh hell naw!!!!

I was in tears from realizing how much pain I had done been through... It's so sad to where my mom actually cursed for the first time in like 10 years... My mom pulled me into a hug.

Mom- Okay... Now it's for some advice time. I KNOW you shouldn't move too fast with Diggy. Take all communication out with Jacob, or should I say “Prince”.

Nicki- That's going to be hard considering that I have all classes with him and lunch. He isn't dumb, he is very smart but just... just....

Mom- An asshole? Yeah, I kinda figured...

Nicki- Wow mom.... : )

Mom- Just ignore him and don't receive anything from him...

Nicki- Okay... Thanks a lot mom...

Mom- No problem... Anything for you Hun...

She kissed me on my forehead like she used to when I was little. I haven't had one of those in a while...

Mom- Hun, your dad is going to be here soon for his daily visit.

Nicki- What time is it?

Mom- 4, he always comes at 5.

Nicki- Okay, love you mom : )

Mom- Love you too baby cakes


Mom- Okay... Baby cakes... See ya later.

Nicki- See ya...

And my mom left me. I thought I should take a nap, so I did but it wasn't until 5 minutes later I heard my door open and someone tip toe-ing in. I felt a kiss on my cheek after a couple of seconds. I guess they didn't know I was out of the coma. I peeked open one of my eyes and to my surprise... it was Prince with roses in his hands sitting in the chair dead in front of me staring at me hard down. I jumped up in surprise and you could hear that “heart-beater thingy-ma-jig” speed up. He jumped up too, dropping the roses in the vase making the glass bust all over the floor, and gasping. We were both in shock... In the hall you could here the yells of doctors and MY DAD coming down the hall. Closer.... Closer.... And closer... Oh no...


Guys I will try to update everyday. I have a lot of time because I am on vacation.

I have nothing to say... for now... OH YEAH!!!!!!! The format of my story messed up so if it's akward, I apologize now.

Love & Peace~ @Perfectly_UnPerfect

BTW- I need some more followers... So if you not following me, follow me. : ) muahh!!!!!

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