"It's ok, Brainy. I know how much you love and care for Nia." Kara said softly. Alex added. "Yeah, Brainy. I feel the same way about Kelly," She said in an understanding voice. But What they didn't know or didn't see was a mist of Nia's dream🌀energy✨arrived and spread on the ground glowing✨brightly in the sunlight☀️right across from them. "We'll find Nia. Brainy, Even if takes months or years because you two are Family. that means sticking together! No matter what." Kara said being hopeful and positive. "I'm sure we'll have better luck tomorrow," Alex said with encouragement as Brainy nodded in understanding and said. "Yeah. you're right, There's always tomorrow. I suppose." He said softly trying to be positive in finding Nia, his wife. they were about to leave when Brainy turned around to see dream energy glowing on the ground. He gasped thinking💭that it was some chemical🧪🧫reaction💥or radiation✨... but it wasn't. He leaned down on both knees to get a closer look at what it was... "Could this be what I think it is? dream energy? Maybe Nia's..." Brainy thought softly and he was right it was Nia's Dream🌀energy✨! He touched it, feeling it, glimmered in his fingers, Feeling the energy, and Sensing Nia's presence with her DNA🧬in it. "Brainy, is that what I think it is?" Kara asked softly out of curiosity as she hoped that it was Nia's dream energy. And it was!

"Yes, Kara. It is... 100%. According to my calculations, it's Nia's dream energy as I can sense that." Brainy answered, 100% sure as he was feeling hopeful with a bright smile. "Which means we can use this to trace Nia's location and find her," Alex said excitedly. "Exactly, Alex. We must get to the DEO right away! But first, we need to get some samples. Luckily, I always come prepared!" Brainy said ecstatic as he grabbed sample bottles and stored the dream energy inside them. In order to trace the location of Nia's whereabouts to rescue her from any danger she might be in! He was so relieved and overjoyed with happiness💖 That They finally found a way to find her and bring Nia home!
"Alright, looks like that's all of it," Brainy said confirming. Kara commented cheerfully. "What are we waiting for? Let's GO!!" She said excitedly. Then, they quickly rushed over to the DEO...

*At DEO, in the Med Bay lab*
*4:35 p.m.*
They arrived moments ago and went into the lab with the samples by putting the dream energy into the DEO's computer With the help of Lena of course. Brainy and Lena traced Nia's dream energy to her current location. *An abandoned warehouse 5 miles outside the City* "There she is, We found her! My Nia," Brainy thought hopefully with a smile. "We found her." He said. "But It says she's at a warehouse outside of National City?" Kara questioned. Brainy commented. "That must be the woman who took her," He said in a serious deep voice. They all nodded in understanding. John thought of an idea as he turned to Brainy and said. "Brainy, doesn't the warehouse have security cameras? Maybe you can access it to see what's going on?" John asked. They all agreed. "Excellent idea! John. Let me check," Brainy said.
If it meant that he could at least see Nia if she was ok. Or worse😰...

So Brainy checked to see if there were hidden security cameras in the warehouse where Nia was at that moment. As a matter of fact, it does! One security camera has a viewpoint of the warehouse and Brainy could sense that. It may be miles away from here But he could feel it! You know with him being half-computer and all😅. "Yes, There is. I'll do just that! Stand by..." Brainy said excitedly as he closed his eyes trying to connect to the security camera in the warehouse to pull up onto the DEO monitors to see what was happening to Nia. He was finally able to access the security camera and then pointed from his brain to the computer and transferred the feed from the security system to the DEO's monitors in the med bay. "Got it! I'm pulling it up on the screen... now!" Brainy said pulling up on the screen to show everyone and saw...  As he and the others looked at the screen sadly Not knowing what they'll see or witness...

[On the security camera]

Nia was strapped to a metal chair with power-dampening cuffs on her that had wires connected to an electrical power-absorbing machine. She was screaming in pain... All gasped. "Nia. No! Please don't hurt her. She doesn't deserve this," Brainy thought. Nia panted heavily trying to catch her breath as the machine turned off. Sheila Webber looked at the results only to find a little bit of dream energy inside it. she threw the container on the floor in frustration. "Where is it?! I know you have it! You must have put it somewhere..." Sheila demanded out loud angrily. Nia said weakly. "I'll never tell you." "Well, that's too bad." She cracks her knuckles. "I was hoping it didn't have to come to this.
Well, the hard way it is. Mrs. Dox," She paused dramatically preparing herself for what she had to do. Brainy realized that much be why Nia sent her Dream energy their way.

"Spock! That's why Nia sent some of her Dream Energy to us! Not only to find her But to protect her powers from being in the wrong hands." Brainy stated quickly. He knew that Nia was smart but this was on a genius level... is simply astounding and amazing! But now she's gonna get hurt because of it. I guess even Heroes like Nia have to make sacrifices.

Shelia disconnected Nia's cuffs from the machine harnessing her powers in the form of yellow🔆spirals〽️into both of her hands. "And that's by causing you pain to force you to tell me!" She shouted as her yellow spirals of light wrapped around Nia. Strapping of her hidden powers. They gasped Again then turned it off Knowing that Nia needed them more than anything. Especially, Brainy. She needs him the most🥺. Kara and the others looked at each other and back at Brainy. "Go to her Brainy! She needs you," Kara suggested softly.
Brainy nodded. "You don't need to tell me twice. Kara, I'm already on it!" He said excitedly ready all suited up and flew out the window on the balcony Flying to Nia's location.

Once the camera was turned off... Sheila Webber stopped what she was doing to Nia and knew the superfriends were eavesdropping. she only did that to build suspense to get them here faster!

"I knew it!" she Laughs. "It all makes sense now... You sent your dream energy to them to find you. And how do I know you ask? It's quite simple really you see the cameras in here haven't worked in years. Which meant your husband hacked into it. So I had to put on a little show for them to sell it! And it worked". She paused. "You see, I have no interest in killing you but if you get in my way... I will." Sheila said threatening with an evil glare. But Nia didn't know how to respond to that as she was thrown back into the storage bedroom again! She was about to close the metal sliding door on Nia as Shelia said to her. "Which is why I'll tell your friends that I killed you... and absorb their powers too," she smiled wickedly. "And that my dear is quite rare to find to have all their powers at once! Especially your husband's." Sheila said evilly.

"Wait, What?! No! You can't do that!!!" Nia cried out with fear in her eyes as she tried to stand up and fight But didn't have the strength to. "Oh, but I can My dear and you can't stop me," She said softly. "You're weak," She said cackling slamming the alloy sliding door in Nia's face loudly. She cried on the floor in fear.

~{To be continued}~*I hope you enjoyed this, until next time! Very soon I mean😉...*

💚Brainia💙~ Finding/saving Nia!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu