𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟻 : Grilling meat with Akane chan

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What a wonderful night.
You thought to yourself, as you walk outside of your house on a Sunday afternoon since you didn't have many friends by choice and the ones you had we're probably busy (Aqua with the Tv reality show, Ruby and Kana with their idol group) and you didn't have any work that you were contacted for now.
You were known as the famous actrice known as [stage name] but you got bored of staying anonymous, tomorrow your manager will finally reveal your true name and face so you could have more deals and contracts with less restrictions.

Your fan base was always trying to find who you actually were and the staff and other actors would be worried with you suing them with the other contracts they are forced to sign because of you.
You should have stayed at him with your cat popsicle's, you would have cuddled with her and forgot most of your problems but for some reason you just decided to take a walk

Stop thinking about your bad decision making and now enjoy the fresh and maybe a bit polluted air around you !

As you crossed the street, you bumped into someone.

''I am sorry-''
His blue eyes recognised the young girl he bumped into.

''Oh, it's you [name]. No need to apologise then''

''Why can't you respect your elders!''

You had the habit of thinking that people were younger then you because of you being reincarnated for the 2nd but it felt awkward when the person was older or the same age as you.

''You know her ?''

A girl with medium black here that claimed to be shy but would do anything for the spotlight in the show but was also very nice, Yuki.
Aqua was walking with his coo workers and you had miraculously bumped into him at the moment.

''Yes, she is an old friend''

''I have known him since his first movie and when he was still a cute little baby Aquarium''

Aqua just glared at you while some of his coo workers were laughing a bit.

''What's your name ?''

A girl with short yellow hair and blue eyes that you knew was none other than Mem cho put her arms around your shoulders.

''[name] [last name], you must be Mem cho, Yuki Sumi, Akane Kurokawa, Nobuyuki Kumano, Kengo Morimoto, am I right ?''

You smiled while pointing at every person, everyone in your class was talking about the show and you now knew every person in the show.

''You look familiar...''

Akane had worked with you before and seemed to admire your acting skills very much, it was normal she was a bit suspicious.

''I know I am very cute but I don't think we ever meet, if you do not mind...Where are you guys going ? Aqua never hangs out with anybody usually..''

Nobuyuki tried to hide his laugh while Aqua sighed times and times again.

''We are going to a meat grilling restaurant.''

Yuki responded smiling since it would be Mem-Cho who would pay.

''That seems nice, have a great evening I am going back home''

''Why not come with us ? Aqua's friends is also a friend of ours''

Mem-Cho smiled kindly but you didn't want to disturb them, you would feel to guilty.

''No thank you, I don't want to disturb you''

''Your to polite [name], I don't think anybody would mind''

Aqua looked at the others if they had any objections but they all seemed fine with it.

''Fine, only if I pay for my part.''

''Your an angel [name]

Mem-Cho looked at you with tears while hugging you, she would pay for everyone but you had just saved some money from her wallet right there.

You were currently sitting next to Aqua and Akane, Mem-Cho had ordered the best set of meat for the group while you had ordered a two whole tray of meat to eat, it was in your means.

''[name]...Are you sure your going to finish all of this ?''

Kengo looked at you with worry.

''[name] is like Godzilla, she'll finish it like her 5th breakfast''

''Hey ! At least I am enjoying my food !''

You responded to Aqua's insult while finishing up your first tray of high quality meat.

''[name] its quite expensive... Are you sure you can pay all of this ?''

Akane asked curiously, you only nod while chowing down your food.

''I work summer jobs and more , so I have the means''

You were wondering how they would feel the next day when they would have learned that they just ate with the famous actress Astrolo who in fact was [name] [last name] just the daughter of [mother name] [last name], a famous actor in the entertainment internationally and [father name] [last name], who is considered to be a great game developer by the many communities he made a video game for.

'' I can't shake the feeling of familiarity..''

Akane looked at you, you felt she was analyzing your every moves and your facial structures, she had seen you somewhere, she was sure about it but where ?

''[name] ! You knew Aqua kun ever since he was a kid right ?''

Yuki looked at you mischievously while you just nodded.

''Tell us more of him when he was a kid''

Aqua looked so done with his life as you counted many tales of him younger and Aqua, ti take revenge also counted some of your childhood moments...
Everyone now started talking about their childhood memories. Everyone seemed to like you, especially Akane, she looked at you very interested when you said anything or just sneezed.

''And that's why, my parents wouldn't let me see my uncle billy''

Kengo looked all fine while everyone looked at him worried .

''You should consider that as a horror story''

Mem-Cho said while while you recovered from choking on your water after hearing Kengo's story, Aqua was rubbing your back as you coughed a bit and Akane tried to help the best she could.

''That's quite a story...it was a fun night but I have to go home, my pare are going to be worried''

You got up from your seat, packing up your stuff in your little bag.

''Are you sure your going to walk back home alone in the dark [name] ?''

Yuki looked at you worried , Aqua got up from his eat.

''I'll accompany you, I won't take no for an answer''

''Fine, I know your a stubborn Aquarium''

''I told you to stop with the nicknames..''

''Hurry up or I am leaving whiteout you''

''Your to slow, i catches to you in seconds even if you were a few kilometers away''

You and Aqua had exited the restaurant and were chit chatting in the streets, you didn't remember Aqua being this talkative in the manga...
Maybe it's just you.

You arrived back in front of your house, you wished a good night to Aqua and entered back your house.
Aqua looked back at the door and relished on the feelings when he was talking to you, he'll think about it tomorrow. He walked back home in silence.

☆ I got reincarnated for the second time ☆Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora