I halt my movements then, only a few inches away from its head and my breathing stops as its eyes look into my brown ones.

The dog moves his head into my hand, showing he's not going to hurt me. He nuzzles into my touch and a smile lights up my face right after. Crouching, I giggle once he drags his snout over my fingers.

"He must really like you." Remus drawls and I nod enthusiastically, casting him a fleeting glance. The fur of the dog was soft under my fingertips, the eyes understanding and almost human. I was entranced by it.

"What's his name?" I asked as the dog lay down on his back, practically asking for belly rubs.

"Sir- I mean, Padfoot...hey— I think that's enough petting." He clumsily scrambled to help me up, and at my questioning gaze, he elaborates. "He can get very erratic."


"I'm sorry about James, by the way." Of course, he had to bring up that inconsiderate twat. "He's not the best at expressing his real emotions. He never means any harm."

"Didn't seem to be the case," I mumble bitterly, biting the inside of my cheek as I avert my gaze. As if sensing my trouble, Padfoot whines sympathetically.

"James is a good guy, trust me. He's just been hung up on the wrong person." Remus assured me, taking my hand in his to make me look at him.

And as I did so, I could see that Remus was being nothing but sincere. I may not know him for more than a couple of minutes, but I could tell that he wasn't trying to trick me.

With a sigh, I smile.

"Good thing I've never been a quitter."

: ̗̀  no one

"Lily Flower" James called out, jogging to catch up with the girls' group as Peter trailed behind him. Lily groaned obnoxiously loud before turning over to face him, "Would you be-?"





"I said no, didn't I?" Lily snapped, already pissed off about the whole dinner ordeal. She grabbed him by the tie and pulled him face to face, "No matter how many times you are going to bloody ask, James Potter, I will never, ever, EVER go out with you in any shape or form. I'd rather die than be so much as associated with you!" Marlene winced as her shriek resonated through the hall, catching the attention of more than a few. James – to his credit – kept his sappy grin steady even if his mouth corners twitched down in an attempt of a frown.

His face dropped as soon as she turned around, whipping her hair against his face as she stormed off in the most impressive dramatic display she had managed to, yet.

"Well, that blew up really fast," Marlene muttered, following her best friend.

James stared at the spot where Lily was standing two seconds ago, shoulders drooping.

Chasing Lily started feeling like a chore now. Like a routine— as if he's done it so much that his brain was now wired into believing he had to continue to do it, over and over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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