CHAPTER 10 | Day 3 Part 4

Beginne am Anfang

He knows full well this is a stupid idea, but he's doing it.

The two rise out of the ground into a well lit room - unfortunately, not actual daylight. There's not much in it, other than one chest, and the pride and glory in the middle - the enchantment table.

Hyper's seen these things in videos and photos before, but they look much cooler in real life. They have all manner of sparkling particles coming off of them, the book on top opening as soon as the two step closer in a glimmer of light. The diamonds on the corners glisten and the book floats in place, just waiting to be used. It beckons the two closer.

Hyper looks around, making absolute sure Kreek and team aren't here, before he starts walking towards it to start enchanting - before he notices that Tanqr's just standing there, mildly entranced. He notices Hyper, and clearly he's showing his surprise, as Tanqr sheepishly laughs.

"It looks pretty cool, I'll admit." Tanqr shrugs, walking next to Hyper. He laughs a little, and it's a genuine one, if a bit spurred on by his nerves.

"I never thought of you as someone to get distracted by the wild and the whimsical." he teases, which does earn another chuckle from Tanqr.

"Yeah, well, new worlds do that to you, I suppose."

The two approach the table, and Tanqr pulls out his pickaxe.

"Let's mine this thing-" he starts, but Hyper stops him.

"Wait! Hang on. How long do you reckon Kreek and team will take at BigB's place?"

"Uh...dunno. 5 minutes to get diamonds, minimum. Depends on how long it takes to get diamonds out of a chest." Tanqr shrugs. "Why?"

"Maybe, it would be better for our safety to just...enchant our tools here, and then go, rather than taking the enchanting table?" Hyper becomes more unsure of his idea as he speaks, mainly due to Tanqr's unconvinced look.

"Can you not defend against them, in our own base, if they come hunting?" Tanqr raises an eyebrow, and Hyper sighs. Well, you might be able to, he thinks, but I can't.

Then he gets an idea. Why not play to Tanqr's wants, rather than his own?

"Or..maybe, we can make it look like we were never here. So then, if we fight-"

"-When we fight."

"-yeah, yeah, whatever - they'll think we don't have enchanted tools, and think they have an advantage over us - when in reality, they don't, and we can surprise them!" This has to work, it's a great idea! Or at least, great to avoid actually having to steal things. Hyper's quite proud of himself for coming up with it. Tanqr seems quite interested too, as he gives a nod of approval.

"I like your thinking, but I really want to steal this thing." Darn. "So here's a compromise. We'll enchant our stuff, and if we can, we'll steal it. If we run out of time, we leave it alone." He confirms, to Hyper's mild relief. It's good enough.

"Okay, you go first then. Since I have an idea of how this works, I'll be faster than you will be. Plus I can keep an eye on chat, just in case they come back." Hyper suggests.

"Sounds like a plan." Tanqr walks up to the enchanter, switches his pickaxe for a sword, and pulls out some lapis. "Alright, so, you said that Sharpness was the best for increasing damage on this baby, right?"

"Well, yes, but if you want strength against mobs, Smite might be better-"

"Are any of our competitors mobs, Hyper? No. Therefore, I'm going for Sharpness." Tanqr teases, before touching where he needs to on the book and watching the sword become almost pearlescent in a flurry of colour, turning different shades of purple when the light hits it right. "Ooh."

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