"Even though they are out of season, wisteria blooms year-round from the foot of the mountain half way up the mountain," the other explained.

"Demons, who are captured alive by Demon Slayers, are imprisoned on this mountain by the wisteria flowers which they very much despise," the one, with the red ribbon, on the left continued.

"To pass the Selection, you must survive 7 days on this mountain and come back here on the 7th day," the one, with light yellow ribbon, said.

"Now, be on your way everyone," They said in union, bowing their head. With that, everyone rushed up the mountain, so I did the same.

I sprinted to the forest, trying to forge a plan in my mine. I figured that it was best to rest during the day, and fight demons during the night. I changed my direction, and headed east. Then I heard rustling nearby, I skidded to a stop. I gripped my katana tightly, looking cautiously at my surrounding. I caught a glimpse of something coming my way, I swiftly dodged the incoming attack. I took a better look at my attacker.

"A demon..." I thought to myself, before I could continue the thought, another attack came from behind me, I managed to dodge to the side before it could hit me.

"HEY! BACK OFF! THIS IS MY PREY!" One of them yelled at the other demon.

"There's 2?! Can I defeat both of them?" I thought to myself, gripping my katana even tighter.

"WELL IT'S FIRST COME FIRST SERVE!!" The other yelled, both of them charging at me. I quickly unsheathe my katana, and jumps away from them. I took in a deep breath.

"Total Concentration, Flower Breathing, fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo!" I whispered to myself, as I unleash a single sword slash that curves and twists gracefully. Within a second, both of the demons head fell limply to the ground. I landed, and turned around, their bodies was already disintegrating.

"Wow, I've gotten much stronger," I thought to myself, as I clenched my fist and release it. I slowly puts the katana back into the saya (the scabbard), and prayed for them. I quickly turned away and sprinted East.

Two days has passed, I was getting more nervous each day. I sprinted through the forest, until I caught a whiff of a demon. I skidded to a stop, and quickly covered my nose.

"Ugh, what is that smell?" I thought to myself, looking around, hoping to pin point the location of the smell. Then it was gone, I slowly uncovered my nose and looked around one more time. Then I continue sprinting through the woods.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!!" I stopped as I heard a scream. I looked towards the sound and sprinted towards it. I, then, saw a demon pursuing a girl. I planted my feet on the ground, then ran as fast as I can. I unsheathe my katana the same moment I cut off the demon's arm. I grabbed the girl's kimono and jumped away. She fell to the ground, as I stood in front in a protective stance. I planted my feet on the ground again, then I bursted through the air and sliced the demon head off. The girl gasped behind me, I quickly sheathed my katana and ran towards the girl. I dropped onto my knees.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked her, with a hint of concern in my voice. All she did was nod weakly. I let out a sigh of relief, I stood up and helped her to her feet. As I observed her, she looked a bit older than me. She has deep blue eyes that fade to a lighter blue at the bottom, along with white rectangular pupils, straight black hair with a parted fringe, and twin-tails. (A/N: Also I forgot to mention that most of the description came from wiki fandom, so credit to them :))

"I'm Kocho Hanae," I said, bowing to the older girl.

"Um! There is no need to bow! I owe you my life!" She said quickly, "I'm Kanzaki Aoi! Nice to meet you Hanae-San!" She said again. I just giggled, and signaled her to be quiet in case there are demons nearby.

On the 7th day, me and Aoi made our way back to the clearing a few days ago. I was ahead and Aoi was a few steps behind me, she got tired really easily but continue sprinting anyways, I really admire her determination. We eventually found ourself surrounded by wisteria flowers.

"Oh my god, Hanae-San! We did it! We survived!" Aoi said happily and pulled me into an embrace. I laughed and hugged her back. We made our way to the middle of the clearing, and looked around. It was empty.

"Where is everyone?" Aoi asked, worried.

"I-I don't think they made it..."I realized, "now I know what Sensei meant, when she said that the Demon Slayer Corps is very selective," I thought to myself. Then I saw the twin from before walked up to the platform.

"We're glad that you two made it back safe," They said in union, bowing to us. "Now we'll take your measurement for your uniform, and we'll assign both of you your own Kasugai crow." One of them clapped her hands twice, and two crows came out of nowhere. 

Aoi yelped as a crow landed on her shoulder. I held out my arm, and the crow landed on it. I tilt my head, the crow did the same. I caressed the top of it's head with my finger, and smiled. They took our measurement. *A/N: I don't know how they customized uniforms, so, uhm, more making stuff up! "^-^*

"Is there any preference on uniform? There are different colors, and you can request skirts if you'd like," They explained.

"Uhm, is there a blue version of the uniform?" Aoi asked nervously, they nodded and gave her a blue uniform.

"I'd like a purple version of the uniform, and can I also have the skirt?" I asked calmly, they nodded again and gave me a purple tinted uniform.

"Now we'll explained the ranks to you. There are ten ranks in total, starting from the top," The other one said, "Kinoe, Kinoto, Hinoe, Hinoto, Tsuchinoe, Tsuchinoto, Kanoe, Kanoto, Mizunoe, Mizunoto," they both take turns saying the ranks.

"You are currently at the lowest rank, Mizunoto," The one with red ribbon said. At that moment, I felt my hands getting itchy, but I ignored it.

"Now, please select an ore, as for it will create a blade that will protect you," the one with yellow ribbon said, pulling the cloth on table, revealing chunks of rocks scattered on the table.

I looked at Aoi, then slowly stepped on the platform. Aoi came next to me.

"They all look the same, how do we pick one?" Aoi asked me.

"I don't really know..."I said, I suddenly thought of an idea. I observe each pieces of ore closely, then I sniffed the air. "I think this one will be it!" I thought excitedly, reaching out to pick up the ore that I had chosen.

Aoi looked at me, then chose an ore too. One of the twin held out a basket, and we put the ores inside the basket.

"The blades takes around 10-15 days to finish, you will be assigned a mission the day your katana arrives, but until then please rest." They bowed to us, "Be safe on your journey back home," they said in union.

My and Aoi say goodbye and parted ways. Then a wave of exhaustion hit me, I was severely exhausted, but I wanted to go back home, so I grabbed a nearby stick and used it to support my weight and help me walk.

"Gosh, the uniform is heavy," I thought to myself, as I continue walking slowly on the path.


Omg, why is this chapter so cringe (">-<), srry I took like 3 days to finish this chapter, I was really lazy. Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! - Author-San

Words: 1863

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