CHANCE- 2 - The Story Begins

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Faint chirping of birds.....golden rays of sunshine.... dewdrops over green grass....all signify a new innings.

A beautiful morning various beautiful ways...that everyday of our life is a new beginning.

The toughest part of the life is to decide either to decide "to hold on" or "to Move on". Lets peak into this story to witness who chooses "to hold" and who chooses "to Move"


HM's house

Sunrays are disturbing HM's peaceful sleep, she adjusted her vision, just to do her morning ritual of waking up by looking at her daughters leg, which is in her stomach. Just by looking at her daughter's leg, a smile crept on her face and she started to caress her daughters leg for sometime. 

Then She turned her head to look at her daughter, who is sleeping with her like disc inserted in CD player. She pulled her daughter and put above her stomach and started to rub her hairs to wake her up

"Baby, Baby, get up. Today you have to go to your school right" HM said, while continued to caress her hairs

"Ammi, 5 minutes" ZNM said while continued to hug her mother, while laying at her stomach. 

"Aah Baby" HM said

"Baby, its already 10 minutes, wake up, if you didn't wake up now, I will not drop in my bike, then you have to go to your school by school bus" before HM completes this, ZNM gets up and sits in her stomach, but still closing her eyes

HM looked at her daughter and smiled, and started to tickling her. 

"Ammmmi, Ami" ZNM laughed at her mother in response to her mother tickling. HM stopped tickling after seeing the tears in her daughters eyes, because of continuous laughter and wiped her tears.

"Good Morning baby" saying this, she gets up along with ZNM. "Good Morning Ammi" saying this, she kissed her mother's cheek

After sometime, they got ready and comes to living area. Already Rani Maa prepared their breakfast and waiting for them.

"Good Morning my Munchkin" saying this, she adoringly looked at ZNM, who is completely got ready for her in School uniform. 

"How cute she is, btw this uniform suits her well" RM said to HM, while looking at ZNM. 

HM nodded at her and called ZNM "Baby"

"Aah Ammi" ZNM come and picked HM's fingers. 

"Go and get blessing from your Granny as this is your first day of school, right" HM said

Hearing this, ZNM runs towards NM's photo and stand in front of NM's photo. 

"Granny, Give me blessings, Ammi asked me to get it from you" ZNM said this, standing in front of NM's photo

Hearing this, HM smiled at her daughter, who is bargaining at her Grandmother for her blessings

"And also, ask Ammi to drop me to school everyday in bike" 

"And also, ask Ammi to come home early everyday"

"And also, ask Ammi to give that teddy to me"

"And also,..... Hmm" ZNM trying o remember other things to ask to her grandmother

"Baby, enough, stop it, Today its enough. Next time, you can ask other things. We are getting late" saying this, HM called ZNM from behind

KS House

KS gets ready and comes to dining table to eat her breakfast, before leaving for office. 

"Mira, Today all our meeting's are confirmed, right" asking this, KS takes her seat.

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