Episode 1: Psyche, Hitler! part 1

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We begin within Yami's ship as she's having a shower, washing away all the stress that happened today, since she nearly had another run-in with Rito again. Yami could only sigh as she could still remember everything that happened on that day, the day she turned into "Perverted Darkness."

Yami could only shiver as she remembered every last detail that happened that fateful day of how she was stopped, of what Rito did to her body. She was starting to laboured breathes as she could practically hear Darkness say, 'Come now, you and I both know that we enjoyed it. How he ran his hands across our sides, groped our breasts, grappled our ass! Ahh~, you can STILL feel how our body reacts when he's around!!!'

This was something Yami couldn't refute as she could feel her body beginning to heat up just thinking about it, it was taking all her strength to not touch herself due to it; lest she unwittingly releases the "Perverted Darkness" upon this world again. It also made this incredibly awkward for when Rito was around, since it would make her body want to be touched by him again: be USED by him even, as such; she had little options but to leave whenever he was near, even if it meant risking her maiden's virtue being tarnished, just like today.

Earlier today

Yami was in the bath house with Risa and Momo, who were trying to help ease Yami into talking to Rito again, but what she didn't know was that both Momo and Risa swapped the bath house signs for the male and female baths. Meaning all any male had to do was go into the male baths, and they'd see three beautiful, naked, women in the baths waiting for them.

Momo and Risa were relaxing in a far corner outside of anyone's view, while Yami sat in the centre of it; on Momo and Risa's request, of course. The plan would've worked too. If Rito's kind nature hadn't, accidentally, screwed everything up.

While Yami lay there, perfectly content with herself and feeling all of her stress leave her body and soul, she could hear voices coming from the changing rooms. She thought it had been Lala or even Mea. so she went to greet them, standing up in the bath so she could grab her towel, only for the changing room door to open to show Zastin and his 2 main helpers to cone in instead; causing Yami to freeze in shock and terror, while, unbeknownst to her, making Momo and Risa pale at how their plan failed so epicly. Yami just stood there in shock as Zastin and his helpers saw her nude form, with blushes on their faces and everything. The only area to be blocked from their sight being her most sacred one.

Yami was about ready to lash out at these "Peeping Toms" had Rito not come in a second later, shocked to find Yami there; let alone in the buff. Yami just stood there for even longer before spreading her wings and taking off to her ship, not even bothering to grab her clothes in the process. They were brand new, too.


After that, Yami swore to hunt Momo and Risa down and make them pay for that embarrassment. But first: she needed to finish this shower of hers, which was set to be VERY cold to deal with with the heat she was feeling right now.

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