chapter 16 | world premiere

Start from the beginning

"what the fuck do you mean she just ran away why didn't you follow her" said violet getting annoyed "it happened so fast i didn't know what to do" said jack following violet "it's fine let's just find her" said violet "violet" said jack pointing "oh god" said violet aurora was sitting against the wall violet quickly ran over to her violet held aurora as she cried

"are you ok now" said violet aurora nodded "i thought i could hold it together so he didn't think i cared about it" said aurora "oh aurora" said violet hugging her "that doesn't make it any better he needs to know he is hurting you" said violet "am i the only one who noticed his face when he saw aurora tonight he looked so in love" said jack aurora started crying again "really not helping jack" said violet "sorry i'll go" said jack "i hope your ok aurora" said jack hugging her "thanks jack" said aurora "come on im pretty sure the movie is starting soon" said violet helping aurora up

thankfully aurora sat between violet and britain for the movie so she was ok "you coming to the after party" said bailey "probably not-" she was cut off "your coming and your going to have the best time" said violet "what no" said aurora "you can drink your pain away" said jack "that's a smart idea" said aurora "your not even 21" said britain "i will be next year" said aurora "i think that counts" everyone laughed at her

aurora had one drink she didn't really like the options there were aurora was trying to keep her distance from jamie while at the after party she had seen him a couple times everytime lilah or jamie would be near her she would walk away aurora was standing with britain with a drink in her hand "rory what the fuck" said voice behind me aurora almost dropped her drink at the voice she turned around and sure enough it was jamie he grabbed the drink out of hand threw it in the bin "HEY" said aurora throwing her arms in the air "you can't drink alcohol when your underaged" said jamie auroras face dropped britain slowly started walking away aurora turned to him and mouthed "what the fuck don't leave me with him" he mouthed back "sorry" and walked to bailey "why do you care about me anyways" aurora snapped at jamie she didn't want to look at him she was looking at the ground "because last time you got drunk you hurt yourself" said jamie aurora looked at him "your fucking kidding" said aurora "your the only one that's hurting me right now jamie" aurora was about to lose it "yeah no im not fucking dealing with your bullshit jamie" said aurora "you can't avoided me forever" said jamie "i can sure as hell try" said aurora "go back to your girlfriend jamie i don't want to you" said aurora going to walk away she never thought the words 'i don't want you' would come out her mouth to jamie because he's everything she wanted and more "aurora please" said jamie grabbing her hand "don't touch me" said aurora pulling her hand away "woah ok" said jamie aurora stared at him his blue eyes he looks sad aurora was confused why did he look sad if he was the one who hurt her "this is pathetic" said aurora "it really isn't your making it pathetic" said jamie "omg" said aurora laughing "IM MAKING IT PATHETIC" said aurora as a tear ran down her face "YOU'VE IGNORED MY CALLS AND MESSAGES AND NOW YOU WONT TALK TO ME SO YEAH IT IS PATHETIC" said jamie aurora watched as tears filled his eyes "DONT YOU DARE PRETEND YOUR A VICTIM" said aurora with tears in her eyes "IM THE THAT IS HURTING I HAVENT STOPPED CRYING JAMIE" said aurora as her voice cracked aurora tried to get words "i really liked you jamie and i thought you liked me to" said aurora "YOU COULD OF SHOWN THAT AURORA" said jamie "I FUCKING TRIED TO" said aurora "I'm leaving im not doing this" said aurora "aurora your making this harder then it has to be stop being stupid" said jamie everyone at the party was staring at them the music had stopped and then she just slapped him across the face she didn't want to do it she would never want to hurt him (a/n why'd this remind me of that line in taylors song speak now 'all eyes on me horrified looks from everyone in the room'💀) "oh fuck" said britain "did she just slap him" said bailey "come on trinity let's go" said jack "what no this just started getting good" said trinity "she's going to kill him" said zoe as she walked over to them  "i hate you so much" said aurora looking at jamie with tears she obviously didn't mean it she was upset and mad with him but after seeing the look on his face when she said it made her go quiet "come on aurora go outside and get some air" said zoe turning her body toward the door she pointed at sam to follow aurora jamie stood there shocked it didn't really hurt him but it hurt him that he pushed aurora that far she slapped him because he knew she wasn't a violent person and she'd never actually hurt him "you ok" said zoe jamie nodded "yeah" he said quietly

they got outside the building aurora started sobbing "i didn't mean to hurt him" said aurora "i know" said sam sitting next her "is he ok" said aurora "yeah he's fine it was only a slap he's a tough guy" said sam aurora nodded "you got a good slap kid" said sam aurora laughed wiping her tears he messed her hair up before hugging her aurora always saw sam as like a dad to her mainly because she grew up without a father so he always felt like a father to her

"hes fine it didn't hurt him but he's is upset" said zoe walking out "i can't believe you just slapped jamie" said jack laughing "he was being an idiot and i got mad and upset i didn't mean it though does he know that" said aurora "i'm pretty sure he knows that but you should probably tell him that" said zoe sitting on the other side of her "im still mad at him i can't look at him" said aurora "just worry about it later just go home and get some rest you look tired" said sam "come on we will take you home" said jack "thank you" said aurora hugging zoe "for what" said zoe "everything" said aurora "anytime aurora we will always be here for you" said zoe she smiled "thank you as well sam" said aurora quickly running to jack and violet who were in the car

if someone doesn't beat this lilah bitch soon
i will😒
why is this chapter actually funny like imagine being one of the people watching them fight id be dying and hyping her up💀

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