Start from the beginning

" Clean ..," jungkook ordered dominantely seeing the more scared taehyung who suddenly started to clean his bruise like obedient not caring about his pain.. , the man can't help but time travel to that fucking hospital , running with his wounded child on his shoulder to the casuality .. who fall from stairs just to calm his anger .., how much he wait that time to see the doe eyes of his comfort but,  finding a angry jungkook who throws  him in a pit of  monsters hiding thorned bushes and yes and this time he expecting the worst , that he didn't know how his fast actions on his gashes come to halt ..feeling the soft hands taking the cloth  with a adamant face of anger , even though the attorney was angry ..his soft touches screams something far from anger ..that he started feel his feelings again ..feels like his  nerves connected to his brain  started work again..

" I will  come back with hoonie .. don't stress yourself , i don't want to see you going to that epilepsy again ,"  jungkook smiled  a little seeing the suprised  messy teary face of taehyungs but eventually the the small smile was faded in a second and replaced with his  infamy expressionless face of his , he turned around finding the scared girl trying hard to avoid eye contact with the attorney and said  ..

Apply this med in  his bruise .. do you .. ?? "

 "  Ye..yeah .. "

             The relieved sigh left from the mouth of the elder attorney , finding the broken expressionless face his ex-husband , and  sign  of his husbands embroidered beautifully in that mutual divorce paper he feels fucking relieved  , yeah finally he can get out from his past .. the past he drowned on his blood .. not caring about himself , not giving self love his own self and allowed  a man to take over his body to abuse just in the name of love ,.. finally he was  getting out from this unwanted relationship after  breaking the lovesick man's heart , could we just  put blame on him when all the faults and   miseries was pointing towards the dimple smiled man .

" Hyung .. you .. you took the right decision I wish you good luck ..in the  future .."

  The cat eyes wished the attorney  with a small fake smile ..though seeing his younger brothers soul less body was something brutal  to his eyes ,  he can't be selfish and begg for his brother ..Jin was right ... it's time to break the chain  to this whole fucked up  forced marriage trilogy... , may be it takes the dimple smiled man's broken heart to heal a lot time , it was necessary ,  no one can live  with a man who abused him to death  , who give him a endless pain  of  traumatized  nightmares and live with him in  fruition was like betraying his own heart .

  Mm..thankyou yoongiya...i wish you and jimin a great life together , putting every steps of happiness together,  not like us ,like me and joon .. "

" We are expecting.."

Wh.. "

" Yeah hyung..me and jimin was expecting.."

  The attorney smiled genuinely,  looking at his ex brother in law who he considered his brother still now , the cat eyes some how , every time when he was in pain ..comforted him , when namjoon go deep with his anger and he find himself on this doctor's bed ,  with all bandages and cleaned wounds .. getting a brother like yoongi was the most beautifull thing happened on his life ..

  " Babe ..you over talking,  Namjoon hyung was waiting on the car "

The duo got interupted by the sweet but a eye rolling expression of the short male , jin can clearly see the sarcastic bitter hate in the man's disappearing  eye .. , yeah ofcoursce he also didn't like jimin .. no he hate that fucking short arrogant flirty assistant of jungkook's who do anything ..anything vulgar to get money .. a bloody piece of papers that make the short male and the doe eyes happy , that they take any vulgar  cases even taking out murderers out  from the bars , same from  the short males side  too.. , his hatred towards his previous brother in law was something... , the man who only stand for right .. the man who himself fail the  case when he feel his client is not an innocent , how can he when failure was not written on his dictionary .. can't he just go for some fun ...  cant he just slay like he do ..

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