Sweet As Honey {Eugene Otinger} MINI BOOK HERE

Start from the beginning

"So what are you?" Ajax asks me in the courtyard at lunch. "Well I'm Bisexu-" "No, like what kind of outcast," he specifies, laughing a bit. "Oh- I'm smart I swear-" I quickly try to defend my stupidity, "But I'm a shapeshifter. Like Principal Weems." I inform. "Are you guys related?" Xavier asks, sitting down after walking from the fountain. "Not to my knowledge. If we were it wouldn't be close," I say as I look around at everyone. "Well Xavier is a branch of psychic and I'm a gorgon, that's why I wear this here lovely beanie everyday," he says, patting his head. "Oh and that guy you were staring at? I think he's psychic too, or he can talk to animals. Something like that." He tells me, smirking. "For the last time I wasn't staring at him I just happened to zone out looking in his general direction-" "Who was it?" Xavier interrupts. "It was E-" Ajax starts. "No. No one." I say. "Well he's in the courtyard right now if that means anything to you," he says. "He is?" I ask, kinda wanting to talk to him. "So you were staring at someone! Who was it?" Xavier asks, more curious than ever. "Who were you next to in Thornhills?" "Really? Okay but I could see it-" "both of you shut up." I interrupt, my face turning red. "I've never talked to him. It's my first day. Chill." I say. They nod and Xavier starts talking about Wednesday as I look around the courtyard again. I feel a pair of eyes on me and quickly look back, seeing the person I've been told is named Eugene staring at me. His face seems to go red and he quickly breaks the eye contact, he probably gets easily embarrassed like I do. I blush at anything, and it's the worst. I pack up my lunch and get ready to head to my next class.


"Here's a list of clubs you can join," Principal Weems says, handing me a paper in the hallway a few days later. "I've granted you a few hours off classes to go around and try some. I hope you can find one that fits well," she says with a huge smile. "Thank you, I do too," I reply before she walks away. Most of these look boring, but I'll try a couple I guess. The only one I really care about is the hummers and maybe archery, but I'll try hummers last since I plan to talk to the boy there. First on my list is choir. I head to the court yard to see choir and archery, heading to choir first. The Bianca girl, who is super pretty, is leading them. If this wasn't an x Eugene book I would be in love with her. "Oh hey, you must be y/n. Weems said you would be coming around to look at clubs," she says, almost smirking. "Oh- uh- yea. I can't really sing, just wanted to see what choir was about-" "well you do whatever you want, if you wanna join in you can but we won't force you." She says, quickly getting back to the song. She seems a bit snappy, but she's hot so it's okay. That's definitely how that works. Choir is boring so I just walk over to archery and see Xavier there by himself. "Heyy," I say. He looks up in surprise. "Oh hey y/n, what's up?" He asks, readying his bow. "Weems is having me try out clubs, this was next on my list." I tell him. "Oh nice- honestly archery is kinda boring when no one else is here, but everyone else has classes right now. It's my break hour." He tells me and I nod. "So how do I do this?" I ask, grabbing a bow and arrow. "So you take the bow and hold it like so, pull the arrow back with three fingers, and release." He says. Well that sounds confusing. I try, and fail. Miserably. It misses the target, not by a bunch but enough for me to be disappointed in myself. "It's fine to mess up, your just learning." Xavier tells me as I pick up another arrow to try again. This time it hits the very edge of the target. Barely better than last time, but improvement is improvement. "See? You're already getting better," he says, smiling at me. "I have to go see what the hummers is about, I might be back soon though." I tell him, sitting down the bow and starting my walk. It's not horribly far to reach the bee barn, but farther than I would have liked. I'm lazy. "Hey! Are you here to join the hummers?" I hear a cheery voice exclaim from behind me. I turn around and see the boy from plants and the courtyard. "Oh hello! Eugene right?" I ask. "You know my name?" He stutters out. "Of course! We have a couple classes together." I tell him. "Right of course, you're y/n right?" He asks and I nod. "Well y/n, welcome to the hummers headquarters. I hope you'll consider joining, I'm currently the only member." He tells me, sounding a bit disappointed at the end. "Weems likes to send people here but they never stay, people are too scared of bees." He tells me. "That's a shame, bees are adorable. I love working with them." I reply, looking round at the wooded area. His eyes light up at this comment. "Did you know some people say Queen Cleopatria used to bathe in baths if honey to give her skin that natural glow? Have you ever tried a bath of honey?" He asks me, sounding excited to await my answer. "It sounds like it'd be a bit of a mess, but if she was so pretty I'm sure it worked amazingly," I reply. "You don't even need it, you're already glowing," he tells me, quickly covering his mouth after realizing what he's said. "Aw thank you! You're adorable too," I reply to try and make him feel a bit less awkward. "Um- anyways What other clubs have you visited today?" He asks me, desperately trying to change the topic. "Choir, Archery, and now this. I don't really either either of the other two, I'm thinking of trying to start a club of my own for the artists. Xaviers idea actually, seeing as we both like to create," I reply. "That's amazing! Can I see your drawings sometime?" He asks in delight. "Of course! I'll show you sometime in class or at lunch," I reply. "I have to get to my next class but I'll see you around, bee boy," I say, smiling as I walk away. I hear a quick bye yelled after me.

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