Severus had very accidentally audible whispered about what he'd seen that night in his office alone. Not another person in sight. So he felt comfortable to share the unfortunate events Amycus had lined up for his daughter. He was then alerted that Autumn had escaped with help. How could he have known.

Clearing his throat George finally stood up, "No, professor" he stared down at the girl.

"I see" Severus hummed placing the back of his hand to Autumns forehead briefly, "Has any other member of staff or adult visited Autumn?" George shook his head, "any animals?" George's brows creased, "if anything changes, you will send for me" the final words hadn't been a question but instead a demand not that George was about to argue, he simply nodded and watched as he swanned off once again leaving only George and Autumn.

George could only release a breath he'd felt like he'd been holding the entire time Severus had been here, looking down at Autumn who still lay utterly still. He had to save her from her very own father, he hadn't known how but he would do whatever it takes to ensure he didn't get to her again.

Just as George thought he'd been getting peace the door opened once again having the boys body go limp with a sigh.

Not even having the energy to look up at whomever it had been he kept his head down, he could hear their steps around the pair but just hadn't had the energy to look.

"Georgie?" A voice he could never not recognise found him, giving him a small enough boost of energy to meet the eyes of his twin brother who now stood opposite him by Autumns other side, "any changes?" Fred looked down to Autumn as he spoke, gaining his answer.

"I fucked up man" George fell back into the seat he'd been sat on, "I threw a hissy fit because I thought she didn't want me anymore, I'm the reason Pucey found out, the reason her father found out" his words had came out rather slowly, as if it took up extra energy for him to even form words at all, "what happens if she wakes up and wants nothing to do with me?"

Fred eased himself down into the opposing chair, "first of all, you don't even know that you're the reason her father found out, he's a powerful man George, I'd imagine he'd have his ways" Fred took Autumn's hand into his two relatively larger ones, she was cold and didn't respond to his touch in anyway, "secondly I see the way the girl looks at you, I'd say with her head case of a father she was just trying to keep you safe" Fred smiled a little, "did a pretty good job of it too I'm sure" George looked as if he were about to fall by the lack of energy he'd had to hold himself up, "you're tired man, you can't protect her if you can hardly hold your head up"

"I'm fine"

"How about you go for a quick nap-"

"No" George immediately interrupted.

"Let me talk Georgie" Fred tried to be as understanding as he could while still having his brothers best interest at heart, "if you go for a nap, just for a couple hours, I'll stay here with her and if anything - and I mean anything - changes I'll send someone down to wake you" George met his brothers eye, "I promise" George then took in Autumn looking exactly as she had the entire time, "you know I'll keep her safe" Fred nodded as he spoke.

George stood, nearly falling but nonetheless he was up on two feet, "you'll send for me if she so much as breathes differently, okay?" His twin nodded at this. Making his way around the bed he placed his hand of Fred's shoulder, "thank you"

Fred had been sat there for just over an hour now, looking around and trying to remember which bed he had been in a couple months prior after yet another quidditch injury. He believed it had been fourth down on the left, Autumn however was second down on the right and so he couldn't quite see his bed in its entirety. His bed, that made him laugh, who would claim a medical room bed as there own.

Looking back at the dark haired girl whose hand he still held he said a little prayer in his own head begging that she wake up for his twin.

George needed Autumn and Fred knew it and so if George needed her in his life, Fred needed her to wake the hell up. Just as he again laughed at his own thoughts his eyes flew open at what he'd thought to be a squeeze of his fingers. Looking down at the girls hand before looking up at her face, her brows scrunched slightly.

"Autumn?" He spoke whilst standing up and leaning over the bed a little more, "hey, Autumn, it's me Fred" he tried to shake her hand, "can you open your eyes for me please?"

"F-Fred" she stuttered before even opening her eyes, which she then did too fast with the blinding lights above her feeling like they blinded her.

"Holy shit" Fred jumped unable to help himself, "you're awake"

Autumn readjusted to try and open her eyes proper with the lights and all. Lifting her hand that wasn't been squeezed lifelessly by Fred to cover her eyes a little, something that released an instant string of pain up and down her body. Her body felt like hell and she'd now particularly noticed the pain in her stomach letting out a grunt while the memory of what happened began to flood back causing her eyes to instinctively reopen not caring about the lights any longer just desperate to see where she had been.

"Where are we?"

"Hogwarts" Fred confirmed, "medical room" he witnessed as she looked around seemingly now for his twin, "I told George to go have a nap, he hadn't slept since he found you"

"He found me?" Her voice came out rather hoarse, Fred had already gotten the idea and passed her a glass with water.

"I need to send someone for him, just give me a second" Fred whistled over to some poor young Gryffindor boy who just so happened to be exiting the medical room then, telling him to retrieve his twin with urgency, even telling him as much as which dormitory door to batter.

"Fred" Autumns voice sounded desperate, the tall red head practically ran back around the bed hidden by curtains to find her again, "I need you to promise me something" Fred nodded, "you need to keep him safe, please" Freds brows only knitted together unsure exactly why she was saying these things, "George cannot know what I am about to tell you alright?" Fred nodded, "this happened to me because my father wanted to know who the Gryffindor boy I'd caught myself up in was" Autumn confirmed, "he wanted me to save myself in place of keeping George safe"

"So he fucking tortured his own daughter?" Fred already hated this guy.

"That's not even the worst part" Autumn looked down at her own hands, "he's trying to arrange a marriage for me-"

"You're getting married?" George's voice could now be heard from the gap where he'd opened the curtains to find Autumn awake and in some state of panic that he'd heard her omission even if it had only been the latter end of it.


Hi all!!!
I have and technically still am on a lovely wee holiday but I'll be back soon to continue with updating this story along with my others so thank you for you patience : )

Another quick note is that I have another story in my drafts based on another Hogwarts boy, this one will be a real enemies to lovers type and I will be trying to include more detailed smut where possible, your hint as to who this boy is can be seen below;

Another quick note is that I have another story in my drafts based on another Hogwarts boy, this one will be a real enemies to lovers type and I will be trying to include more detailed smut where possible, your hint as to who this boy is can be se...

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