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It has always been determined that because of love, your soulmate will be written in the stars waiting for you to appear. The belief that there is one person for everybody in the world. And no matter what life you may cross into, the partner you have been longing for will be with you each time. Though faith may not be so kind in the present life, the universe believes in second chances, or third, or fourth until you are finally able to get it right and be with the one that was made for you because you belong specifically to one another and may not realize right away. You can meet someone and go around with different people to your heart's content, but your destiny has already been decided for you.

Though the idea of love and having a soulmate may seem fragile, there is something stronger holding everything together. A single red string tied to each soulmate's finger. Though not visible to a human, the string of fate cannot be broken, no matter how far apart or how long it may seem, the recipient on the other end is destined to meet you, to hold you, to love and cherish you no matter the circumstance. They will always be patient, understanding and there for you.

This course of fate is hard to change, but not impossible. With enough determination and persistence -just like how being in a relationship is like- it may be probable to change the outcome of destiny, but the universe may not look kindly on those who wish to disrupt a balance of predetermined outcomes that has remained constant since time itself. It may also be risky to leave a relationship in the hands and heart of a human for the result can be harder to achieve and easier to fail if they are too stubborn for the course of the universe to do the hard work for them. Humans lead their lives with hearts on their sleeves, driven easily by emotions. It's better to keep the string than to break what isn't broken and waste time when there is someone right in front of you who is willing to give everything to you.

Love is a tricky game, and even trickier with the concept of humans being able to see who their true love is and if there will be a mistake waiting to happen. After all, humans are capable of destruction, but are they strong enough to break the indestructible string of their soulmate?

Written In The Stars (PSYBORG!SOULMATE AU)Where stories live. Discover now